Thu May 31, 2007


This week is insane. Both Nate and I each have a million things to do, so the house is trashed and everyone is stressed.

I can’t speak for Nate, whose craziness is work based, but for me, I need my down time. I need quiet, alone, nobody-talk-to-me-because-I-need-to-think time. When I have to go out and do things, or be places at certain times for days at a time, I freak out.

I’m sure I’m mental.

But I’ve had commitments everyday for I don’t know how long, and it’s getting to me. And Veronica won’t stop talking, even when I ask her to.

Today is my last day to try to organize my life before we ditch the kids to go to a John Mayer/Ben Folds concert tomorrow in the Portland area.

As of right now, neither of us wants to go. I’m sure we’ll love it, but it’s just too much to cram in to not enough time. But we’re committed, so we’re going.

Last night, I made it to a local knit meet-up that I only manage to hit once to twice a year, tho’ they meet weekly. I really enjoy the group and it was fun to see everyone. Plus, I got to see Diana ride her new Vespa. So cute! Cream Vespa, cream helmet, cream pants, green shirt. I wanted to be her so bad last night as we were all leaving the parking lot to go home.

Mary’s green cable mitts are done, but I need a second set of hands to get a picture, so you’ll need to be content with a beginning shot of mine.


I didn’t end up liking the gusset on Mary’s, so I’m trying something else.


I’m making the increases flanking the center knit stitch, as opposed to the more traditional way of increasing at the edges. We’ll see how it goes. I like it so far, but I might be frogging.

Who am I kidding? I’ll definitely be frogging.

Since this gusset is a different style than the yarnover half-gusset type thing I knit into the green ones, I’m not sure about placement, frequency of increase, or anything else really. But I’m going to see it through and hopefully be able to knit it right the second time if this one doesn’t work out.

And we’re off again. Veronica and I have a lunch date with a boy and his mom from school.

8 Responses to “Swamped!”

  1. hayden Says:

    Woo hoo, a lunch date! ROWRRR! Hee.

    Also, those fingerless mitts look great Laura. And have a great time at the concert!

  2. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    A boy?!!! Whoa… Again, I love the mitts. That center increase sure looks cool – hope it works out!

  3. Laura Says:


    We are on the opposite side of that spectrum. Boys/girls haven’t become eeewy yet. So the “rowrrrr” won’t happen ’til we pass through that phase and hit the other side.


  4. Janell Says:

    You are going to the John Mayer concert tomorrow? So are we! Where are you sitting?

  5. Stephanie Says:

    I’m going to see John Mayer at the Gorge on Saturday. Oh how I love that man. *swoon*

    I love love love the mitts. I think the new thumb gusset is looking really sharp. I can’t wait for you to write up a pattern. And you really *really* should submit it to knitty. Everyone goes gaga for mitts and these are just plain ol’ cool looking!!! And with only 1 skein of koigu to boot…it could be a total craze!!!

    Have fun! I can’t wait to hear how the concert is :o) I can’t wait to see him. Did I mention…..swoon? :o)

  6. Danielle M Says:

    I really like it! I hope the gussett turns out to be everything that you are looking for in your design.

  7. Meghan Says:

    OMG I am so jealous! I wanted to see John Mayer and Ben Folds so badly, I even hinted strongly that it would be a good B-day gift as the concert is a few days before my B-day. Money didn’t work out for it though. Well I hope that once you get there you can let the stress fall away and just enjoy! I’ll be thinking of you enviously tonight 🙂

  8. Meghan Says:

    Oh and I love love love your mitts, the colors are gorgeous and I like the new gusset idea.

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