Thu May 17, 2007

Making it up takes a long time

The round on the glove pattern I’m referring to with my general construction questions starts in a different place on the glove than the round on the gloves I’m knitting. (Sorry, I don’t know how to word that sentence clearer). So I’m getting confused and having to rip more than I’d like. I’m hoping to be able to write a basic pattern for myself, as I’m sure I’ll be knitting more koigu gloves and mitts in the future, so I’ll only have to reinvent the wheel once. If I were to frog completely and start again, I’d do some things different.


But they’re cool.

Clark fell asleep at breakfast this morning, face down on the tray of his highchair. I picked him up, he stayed asleep, and it was so delightful, I had to take a picture.


Sweet baby. I don’t get to hold a sleeping baby much anymore. He’s mostly grown out of that. Well, except for the times he wakes up in the wee hours of the morning, insists on being held at the threat of endless screaming, and then falls asleep. So long as I hold him. But that’s not so delightful.

9 Responses to “Making it up takes a long time”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Awww, that picture is so cute… And those mitts are awesome! I’ve started my gauntlets. I had a lot of leftover silky wool from the Harry Potter sweater, so I’m using that. Unfortunately, it’s a tweedy yellow (from the H) – not exactly my favorite choice, but I’m hoping it will show off the smocking well and will look pretty anyway. We want a variety, right? 🙂

  2. marti Says:

    How sweet! I miss those days.

  3. carol gilchrist Says:

    he looks so sweet. I love those sleepy moments. I will be starting on monday, I haven’t picked which yarn yet… we will see… maybe purple koigu LOL

  4. Marie Says:

    Those gloves look so great! From Saturday to today…you are so great~and talented!

    I actually started on calorieking myself, its been so helpful. I’m glad you wrote about it. Have a great week!

  5. Marie Says:

    OK, I don’t know if my last comment went through, but the gloves look great!

  6. Sue Says:

    The koigu gloves look beautiful so far. Nice pattern on them too. Clarke must be getting heavy carrying him around for so long. I know my daughter used to be held to go to sleep, but it used to give me a sore back.

  7. Stephanie Says:

    Awww…I love those moments. Your mitts are looking great! I’m ripping my all the way and restarting. They were waaaaaay to small. I’m thinkin’ of just going up in needles…but also toying with the idea of just adding a pattern repeat. I think I’m going to try both and see which works best. I can’t wait to see all the ones everyone else is working on!

  8. Meghan Says:

    Love the mitts and you have such a cutie!! My heart skipped a beat there for a moment. Makes me want to have kiddos right now! LOL

  9. Sam Says:

    Awwww, Laura – Clark is too cute! The mitts are quite lovely. I’d love to knit the pattern sometime, if you ever decide to put it up for sale. Hang in there – they’ll get knit eventually, and you’re doing a great job.

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