Sat Feb 24, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 36

Well, I’m certain that none of you are surprised that I didn’t do any exercise this week. Between the tailbone injury, menstruating, Clark up at night, and finally getting sick, I didn’t have a break. I ate ok though.

I’m starting to feel the pressure. At our last monthly meeting (with Katie and Gayle) I said that I wanted to lose 4 pounds before our meeting in March. Of course, I don’t remember what I weighed that day, but I think it was 228 and something. So I’d need to be 224 and something, which I haven’t been in a long time. This morning, I was 227.2.

Three pounds.

Can I lose three pounds in, what, a couple of weeks? No.

I mean, I probably could, but it seems silly of me to even consider it since I’ve been trying to lose weight for two months now and have lost a whopping 2.6 pounds. And that’s on a good day.

Pout. Stomp. Stomp harder. Flail arms. Glower.


I’m going to make a shake for breakfast and knit something.

6 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 36”

  1. Jan in PA Says:

    I mamaged to follow the food plan set up by the nutritionise to help control my blood sugar. NOW they tell me…the medication I’m on to help control my blood sugar usually makes losing weight much more difficult.

    If I lost weight, they might be able to reduce the amount of the medication I’m taking.

    If they reduce the amount of medication I’m taking, I would probably lose weight.

    Stop the merry-go-’round! Why do I think I’m not going to win this battle?

    Laura, I”m goign to sound like a mom, but with your history of back problems, should I be concerned about your fall?

    Okay, that’s my weekl…next?

  2. carol Says:

    Yeah I am stalled in the weight loss too. I don’t know if you read my blog, But my knitting supply, tools, patterns and general obsession has grown by leaps and bounds. I bought 6 skeins of koigu 11 skeins of cascade two of an alpaca, and a few more on top of that! Don’t get me started on the accessories. (my husband is shaking his head at my stash as I write this) I sat down to figure out what I now know to be called the “magic loop” technique. I ripped it a few times, but I think I get the idea of knitting in the round that way now… I am still intimidated by the heel and instep but I will get there when I get there…

  3. Laura Says:

    Thanks Jan. I think my back will be ok. The pain is about 5 inches lower than my back problems. Sorry about your medication quandary. What a pain. All I can say is, keep going! I’m approaching year 4 of Health Group, and am still in the 220’s. A friend of mine says that if you’re trying and not losing, at least you’re not gaining! That is true. But admittedly, a small comfort. Have a great week!

    Carol- woo hoo! Welcome to the wonderful world of koigu and sock knitting. I’m happy to help, just down the hill from you, and I’m going to check out your new acquisitions now!


  4. Janell Says:

    On a brighter note, I think this is the first time you have blogged M-S since the birth of Clark!

    Take your accomplishments whereever they come from, girl!

  5. Gayle (FYRKRKR) Says:

    Hey! Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well! Get over that quick! Being sick is no way to lose the weight! I’m plateaued since our meeting, so I could be stomping and hissing with you, but I’m not. I’m looking into different ways to lose it. What I really want is the weather to warm up and to start walking in the sunny warmth like last summer again. Sigh. Can’t happen soon enough for me!!!
    Here’s to a better week!!

  6. Katie Says:

    I am so sorry that you are feeling discouraged week after week. I want success for you (and all our weight group members) as badly as I want it for myself. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you reach your goals – a daily email, a weekly phone call, or if you want to try the points out I could help you with that.
    That being said, I’ve been struggling again this week to stay on track. Over the weekend I blew it both days and ate way too much, but today I buckled down and counted everything. Tomorrow I need to get exercise. You too! (Hugs)

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