Fri Nov 3, 2006

Friday is knitalong day!

Yesterday was Nate’s birthday. We went to lunch and saw a matinee of The Prestige, which Nate has been anxious to see ever since he read the book some time ago. He enjoyed the movie. I found it horrific and disturbing, though the two main actors were fantastic to watch, as they usually are.

Then last night, we had a nice social gathering of family and a few friends.

Halloween was great. I spent a couple hours at the school helping out, and Nate took the girls around to the neighbors’ houses at night. It wasn’t as difficult a day as I’d expected, and I was surprised at how little candy they ended up consuming. We’re going to let them have their gorge-fest this weekend and then the candy will “mysteriously disappear”.

There’s my catch-up for the week. Now, it’s knitalong day.

Michelle has finished a nice stocking, go have a look.

Anyone else have anything?

I sort of started swatching argyle, and it’s hideous. I didn’t have a color plan, so I jumped in with both feet and started something.


Something really ugly. But the main purpose of my swatch is to get more of an idea of what I want to do, and to give me yarn lengths for my diamonds so I know exactly how much yarn to put on each bobbin, or to just leave hanging.

What I haven’t practiced is this argyle-in-the-round nonsense I somehow want to accomplish. We’ll see how it goes. All I can say is I’m dying for some real knitting time.

4 Responses to “Friday is knitalong day!”

  1. Carrie Says:

    I took the plunge and frogged most of the stocking. I’m going to keep the top part where the name will go and do simple stripes or just solid stockings with contrasting heel and toe. I practiced some duplicate stitching last night, as I was thinking I’d do that for the names. I hate it, but I’m not giving up on it yet. I followed the directions in the pattern I have for the stocking which told me to start at the bottom and work up. This is exactly the opposite of what you suggested worked well for you. I’m going to try doing the names top to bottom before I scrap the whole thing and just do fair isle. If you have any other hot tips for how you make your dup. stitch look so great. . . do tell! See, forward progress!

  2. Morgen Says:

    Not a stitch done on the stocking this week…

  3. Hayden Says:

    Yay, happy belated birthday Nate. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy the movie La, I’m actually looking forward to seeing it.

    See you Wed!

  4. Dani Says:

    We do the post-Halloween gorgefest here, too. I used to dole out a little each day, but then I still had candy months later. I got tired of being the Candy Police!

    BTW, I just found a comment that you made on my blog about a month ago. For some reason, my Bloglines has stopped updating your RSS feed and Blogger didn’t deliver your comment to me. Your blog is NOT one of the ones I purged. This has happened to me before. Unfortunately, I am so scatterbrained that it takes me a while to realize that Bloglines hasn’t shown me any entries from a certain blog for a while.

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