Sat Jul 22, 2006

Health Group- Year 3, week 6


I’m under 220 again. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen! 219.5, baby! And look at this…


Stars! I’ve had another great week of exercise and looking at my calendar full of stars is very satisfying. The Blue stars are weights and PT, the green stars are treadmill, and the gold stars are walks through the neighborhood.

This week I went on a walk Monday evening, did weights only on Tuesday, treadmill on Wednesday, weights and PT Thursday, and took a great walk yesterday morning. As you can see from the picture, I’ve been doing my Saturday exercise on Sunday this month, but it’s getting done.

I think I need to up the weight I use on my pecs. It’s gotten a lot easier but I’m stalling because it’s no fun to move up. It makes it hard again.

My pants are still tight in the waist, which sucks, but I feel thinner everywhere else. My face looks better. My thighs are bigger, but that’s because I’ve been ripping them up on weights day doing squats. And it’s nice to walk around the house with my hands on my thighs, feeling the muscles in my quads move again. I’ve missed that.

We were busy and social this week, and I had the opportunity to eat junk almost every night. Particularly on Thursday when Nate’s siblings all got together. There was three times as much pizza as was needed, 2 huge cakes, a blueberry pie, some smaller cakes, See’s chocolates, chips, etc.

Did she falter?

SHE DID NOT! Whoot! And it wasn’t that hard, honestly. This whole eating thing I’m doing right now couldn’t be easier. I still look forward to my shakes. They’re still very satisfying, particularly in this heat.

And here I’ll take a side note- It is wicked hot in the house. It was 88 degrees last night inside, according to the thermostat, but it felt hotter. I don’t usually mind a hot and muggy day, but I like it to cool off during the night to wake up to a cool morning. Nope, nothin’. It only cooled down 6 degrees overnight. The windows are open, but there is NO wind. And it’s hot outside, even though there’s a cloud cover. If the clouds burn off and we have another scorcher today, and there’s no wind…. well, we’ll spend the day down in the basement, that’s what. But I’m hoping for a breeze.

So back to food. I bought some fish oil, spirulina, and flaxseed oil at the supplement store this week while buying more protein powder. My juicing book has a few recipes requiring the latter two, and fish oil sounds like a good idea. My friend Michal, who’s losing a lot of weight right now is taking it. I need to get to Costco today to stock up on produce again. I went through it this week, and I’m out of a lot of my juicing veggies.

I’ve done a vegetable juice almost everyday this week in the afternoon, and it’s a real pick-me-up. I was sad I couldn’t do one yesterday, mostly because I wasn’t home long enough, but also because I’m out of cucumbers, bell peppers, and the rest of my spinach is old.

And I know I’ve said so before, but this book is the absolute best.


However my favorite juice of the week is the one I made up myself, mentioned in last week’s Health Group.

How’s your week been?

6 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 6”

  1. lia Says:

    ! I thought I was the only one over 30 that used stars as a reward. I love it!!

  2. Dani Says:

    Good for you! You are a superstar!

    I did pretty well this week, but I didn’t lose an ounce. On top of that, I am so sick of shakes and meal bars and fruit and veggies that I can’t even express the depth of it. For next week, I have to come up with something different within the same calorie count.

  3. mom Says:

    OK…mom’s gotta put 2 cents in here. I made a life style eating change that dropped off 8 lbs. I happen to love hummus and hadn’t thought about it for a long time. I picked up some at Costco about 2 months ago, along with celery. I could eat celery and peanut butter 8 days a week but I like celery and hummus even better. And it is easy. That is my snack and believe me , it is working…..yummm

  4. cindy Says:


    You are doing all the things this month that I keep telling myself to get back to. I feel inspired. Thanks for the inspiration. Stay in the groove……

  5. Katie Says:

    Yay- congrats! Keep going! (Great use of star stickers!)

  6. heather Says:

    Hi, did the girls like their gifts?

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