Sun Jul 2, 2006

It takes a lot of effort and ingenuity to knit nowadays

Yesterday I had an unexpected opportunity. Veronica woke up with a bad, seal-bark cough, so I stayed home from church with her and Clark, leaving me with a very quiet house, and nothing that I HAD to do. No place I HAD to go.

So I cuddled Clark to sleep and laid him in my bed.


Then I quickly made my way to the couch and picked up the long lost green sock.


That’s not a joke. It took me quite awhile to find it. And you will note that in my enthusiasm to actually knit, I didn’t even clean up the background before snapping the picture. (Don’t tell my mom).

And guess how much I got done? 1/2 a round, baby! Half of one, stinking round before he started fussing. So I let him fuss while I knit a total of two rounds before picking him up.

Then we tried to read a couple blogs. Something else I haven’t had the opportunity to do much of. I gave up after he ripped out those tender little hairs on the back of my neck, at the bottom of my hairline while fussing.

So I nursed him. Again. Which put him back to sleep. I seized another potential opportunity and did this.


Baby bundle.

Back to the sock.

I didn’t even take the opportunity to pee.

Well, at first anyway.

I came out of my room to see poor little Veronica on the couch, bored out of her gourd, with her “angry face” on.


Which really is the cutest thing ever. I wish you could see it better.

So I picked her up and put her downstairs with a cold fruit nectar and a straw, and Pink Panther.



Things went well. He stayed asleep. She was entertained. I finished the first sock to the toe shaping and started on the second.


Junior slept most of the day. He’s probably fighting off whatever Veronica has. When the girls got home from church, they headed down to the basement to watch Pink Panther with V. Nate and I spent a very quiet afternoon, and I finished the foot on the second sock!


Whew! That’s a lot for one day. I have more to show, but it’ll have to wait. I’ve got swim lessons and brother visits ahead of me, and I don’t yet know if Veronica is healthy.

Before I sign off, I wanted to share something with our American readers. This is the coolest thing ever, and you all should see it. If you’ve seen it already, see it again. We happened upon it on PBS a number of years ago. Nate, who has always loved that period in history, was very excited. I was wary. We were both enthralled. It is fantastic. Even if you aren’t into that sort of thing (which I’m not). It’s fascinating. It’s engaging. It’s suspenseful. It is cast with many recognizable “character” actors. It’s moving. It’s inspiring. We watch it every July.

You must see it.


4 Responses to “It takes a lot of effort and ingenuity to knit nowadays”

  1. Holly Jo Says:

    Hooray for knitting time for Mommy! Don’t you just love those unexpected moments of quiet? I imagine with 4 kiddos they truly are few and far between.

  2. Katie Says:

    Yaaay knitting! I’ve never seen that PBS special – I’ll have to put it on our Netflix queue. Hope V’s feeling better soon!

  3. Sue Says:

    I hope Veronica feels better soon. Clarke is still such a cutie pie, and I love looking at babies when they are asleep. Your socks are looking great, now you just need another quiet afternoon.

  4. Mama Bear Says:

    How wonderful you got some knitting in, sorry it was because of a sick little one.

    When my granddaughter was tiny, I used to knit while she took a nap on my front.

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