Thu Jul 15, 2004

Slow and steady wins….. something

The word of the day is “interrupted sleep”. At least, that’s my word of the day. I’m very tired. Olivia had tormented dreams last night, and I was up with her 3-4 times, I don’t recall exactly. Then this happened…


Little Veronica isn’t feeling so good. Poor thing. Usually, she stays in bed until about 10 AM, but she had me up at the crack of dawn this morning.

So, here’s what I’ve got…


I know. How many pictures of an almost done backpack can a blog readership take? Well, I’m getting antsy as well. I’ve had a lot going on. BUT, the straps are done. All I need to do is weave in ends on the top two straps and make a hanger loop thing.

I’m confident I’ll have it done this weekend, and then I’ll be able to start mom’s sweater! I’m looking forward to that.

2 Responses to “Slow and steady wins….. something”

  1. laura.marie Says:

    Poor dears. One look at that face makes your heart melt.

  2. alison Says:

    Oh no, poor little thing. Hope she’s sleeping better now (you too!). Don’t worry, we can take a few more pics of the unfinished backpack. ;0)

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