Mon Apr 24, 2006

Gorgeous day

It was amazing. Absolutely beautiful.

New carpet was installed in the girls’ bedrooms today, so we can unpack “for reals” now and establish proper places for things, removing any legitimate excuse for the girls when they leave their stuff all over the place, or can’t find things like socks. And pajamas.

Also, the really nasty smell that showed up each time the sun came through V’s window and hit the mysteriously discolored spot on the floor… is gone.

We’re very excited.

I feel like it’s getting to the point where I can take a deep breath, let it out slow, and get back to life. The move is done. The baby is born. I can eat again. The taxes are paid. The girls’ birthdays are over. Spring Break is over. Abigail’s baptism and the accompanying festivities are over. Nate is going back to a more regular work schedule, and work is picking up rapidly for him right now, so he’s going to be busy. Which is a return to normal.

I’m having knitting thoughts. Like, bibs for Clark, who is developing quite the little spit-up habit.

By the way, he’s 3 weeks old now-


and cute as a bug.

I make no promises that this will turn back into a legitimate knitting blog anytime soon, but I can at least visualize knitting without hearing a “yeah right” in the back of my mind.

But it might be delusion.

21 Responses to “Gorgeous day”

  1. Shelley Says:

    Congratulations on getting all those things out of the way. It’s nice to get back into the normal, everyday routine. Clark is such a cutie!

  2. Janell Says:

    Can you tell us more about the house? I know you said it’s bigger than your old one, but you haven’t said if the girls get their own rooms or what the difference is between the old one or the new one? Did you end up moving far away from your old house or same neighborhood, just bigger house? Details, girl!

  3. Karma Says:

    How did three weeks already fly by? Oh my. Clark is practically a teenager already! 🙂 What a cutie. I’m glad to hear that life is settling back into managable rhythms.

  4. FYRKRKR Says:

    Wow! He looks so very HANDSOME!!!!
    Glad to hear it is all going well!

  5. chris Says:

    Glad to hear things are settling down – and Clark looks like he’s holding his head up already – wow!!! What a handsome superbaby he is!!

  6. Glenna Says:

    Clark is an absolute beautiful baby. And so alert!

  7. Amy Lu Says:

    I can’t believe how alert and grown up Clark is looking! He’ll be leaping over tall building in a single bound before you know it!

    Are you really interested in the leopard print sling? It would be a big one for you and a little one for V. My hubby wouldn’t let me put our son in it. He said boys don’t wear leopard prints. I told him it would be me wearing it, but he still said no. It would be interesting to see where Nate stood on the issue :o)

  8. Karen Says:

    Out, out stinky, mystery spot. Hello new carpet. Clark is so cute and alert!

  9. Gina Says:

    Wow! I am amazed at how quickly babies grow and change. So precious and cute.

  10. Robyn Says:

    Oh my, Clark is so incredibly adorable! Really! And I am glad that things are finally settling down for you. Even if it’s a while for knitting content, that’s alright because I do enjoy hearing about you and your family.

  11. Kathy Says:

    take your time, we’re still here even when you aren’t knitting. we like you, we really like you!:)

  12. Jeanie Says:

    I know I don’t need to tell you this, but Clark is so darn cute. He has changed so much already. I hope you get some knitting done soon, if only a few rows:)

  13. Sue Says:

    Clark is so strong, holding his head up already. When are you going to post piccies of the new house. We hope you have time to show us.

  14. Kathy Says:

    I’m really impressed that you managed to do all those things (moving, unpacking, parties, baptisms) while being really pregnant and sick, or in labor and delivering, or post partum. You are one amazing woman, Miss Finch! Bully for you. Knit when you get to it!

  15. Merrill Says:

    We went through a the move to my ILs, a job change for DH, the holidays, the birth of Della Fern and another move to a new house ALL during DF’s 9 mos. I can sympathize with feeling settled finally!

    He is just adorable and hold his little head up so well! Time flies, huh?

  16. Carla Rey Says:

    Wow is he cute. Looks like his daddy I think.

  17. emmy Says:

    I am loving having a “baby fix”. My youngest is 8 and I miss those baby years. Keep on with the baby pics, He is cute as abug for sure!

  18. LeAnne Says:

    Hi Laura, You are so lucky! We were planning on moving about the same time you put your house on the market. You had tons of bites, we had none! We put our earnest money down and then there was a car accident and I’m sitting here with a crushed pelvis that is repairing. Your post today made me plain old envious — but at the same time I’m really blessed too. I’m here, my kids are healthy, my family loves me. I guess I just wanted you to know that you’re very lucky too.

  19. Shelly Says:

    I’ve been knitting up some bibs for my 7 month old cutie pie, Abby. I’m using the pattern in Mason Dixon Knitting since it’s just so darn cute (and easy-peasy for a Mom who has very little time to knit). Congrats on Clark from Bainbridge Island!

  20. Heather Says:

    Yay for you!! Yay for you all! Yay for Clark being 3 weeks old.
    (Yeah, I can’t think of anything but Yay today)

  21. ~drew emborsky~ Says:

    Awww, look how cuuuute!!

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