Thu Dec 29, 2005

Ahhh, the end. Today I feel it.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day sorting through pictures, organizing in preparation for putting them into scrapbooks, and at the same time, beginning to get Veronica’s room ready for the upcoming baby. And I’m nearly done. With the first part. I have a ton of work ahead of me before we’ll be ready for the baby.

Today, I felt the push to start taking down the Christmas decorations (except for the tree), so the garlands are down, the nativity is boxed, as are many other things. Right now, I’m taking a minute to post, then I’ll finish off the Christensen porcelain angels that hang from ribbons in the archway between the dining room and family room.


At some point, I’ll curl up with one of the many knitting projects I have before me, but right now, I’m taking advantage of the “cleaning bug” I seem to have caught.

But I’m still fondling that sock swatch.

3 Responses to “Ahhh, the end. Today I feel it.”

  1. Cathy Says:

    I haven’t been around much, so this will be a combination comment 😉

    Thank you so much for the Panta link – I LOVE THAT PATTERN and have tons of nieces that will love it also! It sounds like you all had a lovely Christmas despite the sicknesses, it IS truly amazing how kids get sick on Christmas, mine always did, EXCEPT this year it was my turn! lol Your sock yarn and book are great, I just love making socks, it seems that there isn’t a better “boredom buster project, travel project or quickie project around! I’m with you on the cleaning bug, tomorrow it COMES DOWN! I can’t wait till it comes down because my beloved snowmen go up! Thanks for all the great things you share! Have a wonderful day.

  2. Jennifer Says:

    We’re all boxed up here too. Before we know it, it’ll be Christmas again, I expect.

  3. Amanda Says:

    Hi, this is the first time I have left a comment on your blog, although I read it all the time. I always feel a bit like a stalker leaving messages for someone I don’t really know, but when you read these you sort of feel like you do know the person. Just wanted to say thanks for keeping me entertained, and you always seem to inspire me to get on and do things, knitting mainly! You always seem so organised and efficent. Anyway just wanted to say hi I am new to this world of blogs and yours has become a real fave read.

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