Wed Nov 30, 2005

” ….my only son”.


After 25 minutes of painful external, and then internal, and then more external poking and prodding, we got confirmation that we have a boy. Although I have to tell you, she was never completely convincing, because she kept looking, but whatever. It’s a boy.

So unless he comes out with a sign on his head saying, “my name is such-and-such”, or comes out lacking certain things we SWEAR we saw yesterday, we’re finally getting our Clark! And our Clark is going to be decked in Superman knits.

Can’t help it.

Nate is way into comic books, both super-hero and otherwise, and I’ve always had a thing for Superman. Can you blame me?


He’s divine.

So my yarn store shopping is going to consist of red, blue, and yellow for awhile. And I’m first going to look for red, and blue koigu. I already have a great yellow. And somewhere in there, I’m going to knit myself a pair of socks for the hospital. Not Superman socks, just a pretty pair of socks to deliver in. It’s a tradition for me to deliver my babies wearing pretty socks, although this will be the first time they’ll be hand knitted pretty socks, and I’m looking forward to it. For some reason, when I’m laying in the hospital bed completely lack of dignity in that wretched hospital gown, I enjoy looking down and seeing my pretty socks.

It’s the little things.

27 Responses to “” ….my only son”.”

  1. Shelley Says:

    Congratulations! I bet your little girls are so excited to have a brother!

  2. Julie Says:

    from D, J & j

  3. Jenny Says:

    Yippy Skippy, it’s a boy!! Congratulations!
    Hmmm, hope he doesn’t kick too hard!

  4. Heather Says:

    Oh, Laura, congratulations! I am so happy for you! What fun for the girls…a little brother.

  5. Corrina Says:

    As long as you don’t name him “Kal-El” ala Nicholas Cage you’re ok. I like the name Clark.

    And coming from someone who thought it was a girl the first time and got the “Suprise! It’s a boy!”… I was told that when they are wrong, it’s most often that they think it’s a girl and they missed seeing the parts. If they saw parts, you’re pretty safe! Congrats!

  6. meg Says:

    YAY! Congrats! And you know…the best boys in the world have multiple sisters to bring them up right!

  7. Kata Says:


  8. Norah Willett Says:


  9. Sheryl Says:

    What great news! I have a son, and it is great fun. Wishing you a speedy delivery and pretty socks!

  10. Tammie Says:

    I am so happy for you!

  11. Jennifer Says:

    Oh congratulations!!! Yay!!!

    This could explain the difficult pregnancy bit though. My pregnancy with my son was way more uncomfortable than with my daughter.

  12. Lisa D. Says:

    Congratulations – I can see his big sisters spoiling him rotten!

  13. elizabeth Says:

    Congratulations!!!! superman knits is such a cute idea, hes gonna look great!

    ps. finished my esther williams =)

  14. Liz Says:

    Congrats!!! Your girls will LOVE to have a little brother. Little brothers are the best.
    I also really like the superman idea.

  15. Katie Says:

    Yay – congrats!

  16. Carrie Says:


    We love Superman too, my husband wore Superman socks & cufflinks to our wedding!

  17. Scout Says:

    Penis! Congrats! 🙂

  18. SpiderWomanKnits Says:

    Oh, I just came to your blog through CraftyLily and congratulations to you and your family! How exciting! When I was pregnant with my son my father in law tried his hardest to convince us to name the baby to be “Jor-el” 🙂

  19. Karma Says:

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet Clark. Guess we’ll have to, eh? 🙂 Enjoy the knitting and planning in the meantime!

  20. karen in Toronto Says:

    yeahhhhh ! a boy – love that name too !
    congratulations !

  21. Jenn Says:

    That’s so good to hear! I love the name too! My friend and her husband named there son Kalel, superman’s real name. It’s so cute! I love Clark too though!



  22. Emy Says:

    Congratulations! Say if superman logo aren’t that hard, I am tempted to knit one for the bossman of this house becoz of this story:

    Many years ago, my hubby (then boyfriend: young and handsome) visibly got a little boy very excited; the little boy keep tugging his mommy’s hand going, “that’s superman, mommy!” (looking & pointing at my hubby the whole time!)


  23. neysa Says:

    Congratulations! That little boy is going to be very loved and well looked after by his three older sisters!

  24. hayden Says:

    Yay for you and Nate…heh. Clark. Heh.
    Seriously, yay!!
    Hmm, time to start thinking about something creative I can knit with “Superman” in addition to the other little something I’ve been planning for MONTHS now. Yup, months.

  25. Laura Says:

    Um, would that be my socks Hayden?

  26. hayden Says:

    No, as a matter of fact, it wouldn’t be. =)(although I haven’t forgotten about them either….they’ve just been waiting. Patiently…)
    They’re something I thought of, all on my own, for Baby Finch, now named Baby Clark. Heh.

  27. FYRKRKR Says:

    Let me guess who did the chart….

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