Sat Nov 19, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 24

Holy crap! I’ve never done this before, in the year and a half we’ve been doing it. I missed Health Group yesterday, (Saturday)! So I’m cheating and posting it on Saturday anyway.

Well, my party yesterday was fabulous. I saw Harry Potter 4 yesterday morning. I have to say that while it’s worth seeing, I was disappointed. They just had too much to cover in that movie to make it compelling. However, I do admit that it had brilliant moments. And it’s always fun to see the characters, hear the music, etc.

As for Health Group….

I didn’t get any exercise in this week. I’ve been spending all my energy on getting the house ready for the party. (It’s so pretty)!

I haven’t eaten enough this week. I probably made up for it in calorie intake last night. Mmmm. But there is definitely room for improvement next week. Which of course is Thanksgiving week. So the calorie consumption isn’t going to improve, but I hope to exercise.

I didn’t weigh myself this week, and to do so now would be inaccurate, considering how much I ate very late last night. So, we’ll wait a week for the scale.

How was your week?

3 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 24”

  1. Lisa Says:

    I have to agree. There were so many parts I was anxious to see that weren’t even in the movie. I love when Dobby gives Harry the gillyweed to save “his Wheezy” it wasn’t the same to see Neville hand it to him. It was a good movie, but definitely not my favorite.

  2. Dani Says:

    I think I’m the only one who liked this movie more than the other three. I have very little memory of the book, so I didn’t notice the scenes that were missing. It was a thrill ride all the way for me!

    On the other hand, my health stats for this week are anything but a thrill ride. I gained another pound because I haven’t exercised in weeks and I haven’t been counting points. This is my thrid lazy week in a row; who knows what it is going to take to pull me out of this slump.

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    The movie was definitely WAY different from the book. Perhaps to be blamed on the new director? Oh well, it was still great to see Hermione all beautiful telling Ron off about not asking her to the Yule Ball!

    As for Health Group… I am definitely struggling. I am back up to 190, but I also feel bloated, so I wonder if I can blame PMS for some of it? I really doubt it, but Fred was a week late (I was actually starting to get concerned) and feeling crummy. I am sick, but have been doing some swimming and aerobics at home, although I don’t really intend to this week. My knee is starting to bother me again, so I need to get back to the PT exercises and use La’s treadmill. I haven’t been eating TOO bad, but I haven’t really been eating regularly either and I think my system is rebelling.

    OK, I’ll shape it back up!!!

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