Sat Jun 11, 2005

Health Group- week 52

One whole year of Health Group! How exciting! Am I skinny yet? No. But I’m fine with that. I am ecstatic that Health Group has lasted a full year. That seems an accomplishment to me, because even thought I’ve had bad weeks, and even though my weight loss has been stagnant for a number of months, I haven’t given up. I’m still here, and I’m still trying to be healthy.

Well, I’ve unfortunately put on a few pounds. I was 224 this morning. It’s hardly surprising, because I’ve been sick three or four times this year, and that means my exercise has been severely interrupted, and I haven’t had the energy to eat well. Surprisingly, I’m not upset. I’m not going to let this get out of hand.

Today, for example, I’ve eaten really well so far. I missed breakfast, which is bad, but since breakfast time ended, I’ve been snacking on homemade hummus on celery sticks, I made a great lentil and chard soup, and we just had what I call “potato fries”, which is cut up russet potatoes in their skins baked on a cookie sheet with olive oil and salt. SO good! And quite healthy.

I’ve been thinking this past week about things I can eat to feed my body well. I’ve written them down every time I’ve thought of something. I’m going to make a plan, and I’m thinking about picking up my FAVORITE cookbook, Cookbook of the Year, to get me in the habit of making healthy dinners again. I’ve been in a lazy “I’m too sick to cook” rut, and I’m ready to get out.

It’s strange how I have complete confidence that I now know what I need to do to shed the pounds, and yet, I’m not doing it. I blame illness, which has certainly been a factor, and I am hopefully done being sick for awhile.

How is it going for you?

8 Responses to “Health Group- week 52”

  1. Elspeth Says:

    I had a similar setback yesterday, I weighed myself at the gym and it showed I had put on 4 lbs as well. I don’t know if I believe it or not but it is at least a baseline for when I weigh myself at the gym again. I know I have been exercising more than I have in years so even though my baby is almost 9 mos old and I lost the pregnancy weight around now with my last one (hence the last pregnancy 😉 ), I hope I’m healthier or at least setting myself up for some weight loss in the future. Good luck in your own healthy eating habits and thanks for all the inspiration!

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    We’ll get this done yet! I had my MIL take “fat pictures” of me in my swimsuit for future reference against my progress. It was amazing to see myself. SCARY!!! But, no one has to see them, unless I choose. It was convenient as we go swimming together at the local pool. Thank you to all who have encouraged me to take that class. I am one of the only 2 non-silver-heads bobbing in the water, but it is fun.

    This week I worked out 5 days!!!

    Monday – Yoga Booty Balley Basic – Yoga, ballet moves, cardio, weights
    Tuesday – YBB – I did BOTH their new DVD’s – a Hip Hop & Abs and Bollywood. They were mostly dance with some weights and abs. The Bollywood is bellydance style…very fun.
    Wed – 1 hr water aerobics
    Thurs – Physical Therapy this is new for me; I never thought of PT as a workout before. Now I add this to my daily reps.
    Fri – Water aerobics again

    Today, my left calf is screaming at me. I thought I did well at not OD-ing. I guess not. I am icing and heating and stretching and screaming.

    Thanks for all the support here, let’s keep it up another year and see where we are! We’ll look so good!!!

    Remember this: Even though you haven’t lost the weight you wanted, we can all see the changes in you, too!!!!

  3. jackie Says:

    Keep up the good work and don’t get discouraged. I find myself most successful with the Weight Watchers program, but I would do much better if I added exercise to my program. The way that you manage that most weeks is and inspiration to us all.

  4. Sandra Says:

    I am glad you are so stubborn! Keep on trying! But please, don’t eat potato and tomato! And please, find out more amout macrobiotic way of eating and preparing food. There is no better way to sty thin and healthy at the same time! Sandra.

  5. Jenny Says:

    I lost another two pounds this week, for a total now of 18 pounds lost. My youngest son’s graduation was this past week, and I sure am glad that I lost that weight! However, it is not enough yet to make want to appear anywhere in a dress. I tried on three dresses to see what I’d wear on graduation night, and all I saw when I looked in the mirror were my heavy grade school teachers!! EeeKK!But, pants are good. I have an old pair that have been my favorites for a long time. They were getting really short on me, though. Well, I was surprised to see that when I put them on this week, they are longer.Then it struck me…they don’t have to stretch OUT so far, so now they can hang down longer! My cousin and I went to the Yarn Harlot’s book signing last week, and there was a huge buffet table. I stayed away from the table successfully.I didn’t want to get too close to that pepperoni bread, haha! I do very little cooking on this diet, although I still cook for other family members.

  6. Kristel Says:

    I’ve still managed to hold on to the candy day idea… I’m soooo hooked on sugar and sweets and chocolate, and every day I manage not to eat sweets is a good day.

    Actually I think I’ve been eating too little, as I’ve lost somewhere around 3-4 pounds a week. That’s too much as I’m still nursing… Shouldn’t drop more than 1-2 pounds a week. I’ve been feeling a bit dizzy and not too well, so I’m thinking I should eat a tiny bit more. (And drink more water, too.)

  7. Dani Says:

    Jenny, I found the two pounds you lost! Despite the increased activity last week, I put on a bit of weight. Before you guys give me the “muscle weighs more than fat” mantra, I have to confess that this weight gain is more likely to have come from the ice cream and soda that my DH brought into the house. Soda has some special extra heavy calories that don’t mix well with my body. I blow up so fast from drinking the stuff that I look like a special effect in a horror movie.

    The good news is that I am having a lot of fun with the Honey Kalaria Bollywood DVD. I have to hit up Netflix and see what other DVDs I can find in that style.

  8. Barbara Says:

    Congratulations on the One Year Health Group aniversary! Always an interesting read although I have little to add. Weight still seems same.

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