Fri May 29, 2009


It’s a gorgeous day, and I’m feeling a little depressed for absolutely no reason. Gotta be hormones. And the fact that my husband is always either working or at the girls’ softball games.

I’m trying to think of something fun to do that isn’t cleaning my house, however I know if I buckle down and clean my house, I’ll be in a better mood and more likely to enjoy the weekend.

Here are pictures of my pretty sock. I tried to overexpose, but that doesn’t seem to work on my camera anymore.

It’s actually a little snug. Not too snug, it feels good but I’m a bit concerned about wear. Carol says that as long as it’s snug around the foot and not heel to toe, I’ll be ok. I’m thinking about adding a couple stitches on the bottom as we approach the heel and gusset. (Do toe up socks even have an official gusset? I’ll find out when I get there). I think two more stitches would make the difference.

UPDATE- I’ve cleaned and swept the dining room, then I practiced a little guitar. My mood has definitely improved. >TMI alert< Guitar still makes me sick, so I don't practice very much. Today was going well, 'till I got carried away and started singing... I almost ralphed ON my guitar, but fortunately managed to hold it back and run to the sink. This is so weird.

SO, I’ll probably do a bit more cleaning and then I’m going to Pen Thai for that noodle dish I’ve been craving for days. Mmmmm, fried tofu. I can hardly wait.

4 Responses to “Photos”

  1. Julie Says:

    Your socks are very pretty!

  2. Jean Says:

    Nice sock!!
    Perhaps you should read an exciting new book, or spin some yarn.
    Doing something that make s you happy really helps!!!
    I was thinking mayby your new baby to be is a music critic!! LOL!!!!

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Ooh, I love the color of your sock! I’ll be interested to hear how you like toe-up. 🙂

  4. Anonymous Says:

    That was so funny about almost puking on your guitar! I often get the gags when pregnant and singing, but I have never thrown up. I am so sorry!

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