Wed Dec 1, 2004

Wanna see a partially knit doll?

Well you’ll have to click the link, a necessity for the purpose of secrecy. But, hey! It’s a good picture at least! This is the future Christmas present of a certain Veronica June.

In other knitting news, check out what I picked up today, here. (Except for you, mom. You can’t look). Isn’t it gorgeous? I think I want to knit one, maybe after the first of the year. Anyone want to do it with me? It looks like Elann carries the yarn sometimes, but they’re out right now.

Yesterday, Veronica and I went to the LYS and played with a spinning wheel for a couple of hours. It was fun. I want one. It looks like Jessica and I are going to take a class to learn how to do it. Anyone else want to join? Like, Hayden? Maddie maybe? How ’bout you, Sharlyn? It isn’t for a few months. C’mon, girls! Succumb! (Nothin’ like peer pressure).

I’ve needed a haircut for many months now. My beautiful friend, Rosalind, came over last night to borrow some cookie cutters (because I own them all) and gave me a great one. Olivia, who has been waffling in her desire to cut hers off decided that she now needed hers cut just like mine. Sweet Rosalind obliged.


Then Veronica got in on the game. Veronica has never had a haircut, ever, in her 3 1/2 years on the planet, other than her grown out bangs. She still had her baby curls at the very bottom of her long, golden tresses. Sigh.

Well, I have a tradition with my daughters. Their first ever haircut happens like this….. I brush it. I put it in a ponytail at the base of their neck. Then I WHACK it off and trim the remaining hair into a cute little wedge-bob. This enables me to keep this,


forever and ever. If you’d like to see the before and afters, click the link.

11 Responses to “Wanna see a partially knit doll?”

  1. katrina grace craig Says:

    oh! i am so with you on the pain of the first haircut! sophie will be five in january and i still haven’t been able to do more then trim the very ends, and that only because she had knotted it so badly there was little choice.

    btw, have you taken the girls to see the lights at the bellevue botanical gardens? it is absolutely beautiful. and free! [donations accepted>

  2. larissa Says:

    That haircut HURTS. I just love your little sweetie; she’ll be adorable with short hair too.

  3. LeAnne Says:

    So show us your haircut! I love that afghan…you’re making me want to go get the stuff for it. I’m not supposed to be buying any yarn until I’m down to only 3 WIPs!

  4. Suzy Says:

    Absolutely adorable doll (and new hairdos too)!!! Wish my sweet angel was still into dolls… I remember when my 12 yr old was 3 1/2…get used to that sick feeling 🙂 I just posted pictures of her getting ready to go to her first dance…talk about a sick feeling.

  5. hayden Says:

    Oh! How cute! I love the pics of Veronica “working it” for the camera. Hee! The haircuts all look nice too. And I second the request…where’s yours?

    I love the doll…must remember to make myself some..err, make Emily some, after the holidays are over. I’m thinking one or two for her birthday (in August) will be a nice gift.

    Spining class…where’s it at again? And when? And with whom?

    Hee! so cute!

  6. Jenny Says:

    Ha! My three sons still have their LONG ponytails! That afghan pattern looks great, I may have to look into getting that one. Ah! If we only lived nearby, my cousin and I would surely like to take spinning lessons…..sounds like a real fun group is forming there. Your doll looks wonderful. I better get back to work on mine, the bottom of the dress is still languishing on the needles.

  7. sharlyn Says:

    Spinning?! I would love to meet up with you guys to learn…all depends on the “when” and “where”.

  8. Laura Says:

    Weaving Works, in Seattle, off of Brooklyn. Saturday, February 12th. 10am to 4pm. $68 if you bring a working wheel, $73 if you need to use a shop wheel.

  9. cherylc Says:

    Laura, I don’t know if you remember me, but I met you a few months ago at a Thursday mtg at Essential Bakery. I was with my 3 yr old, Clara. I’ve commented a few times, but wanted to put a face to the name. Anyway, Veronica still has more hair than Clara, if that’s any consolation! Clara needs her bangs trimmed, but she has teeny, fine hair.

    Also, June is my middle name, and I think it is quite the fine middle name.

  10. Laura Says:

    I remember you! Matching jammies! June is my Grandma’s name as well.

  11. FYRKRKR Says:

    Roni’s hair!!!! I think I am going to cry!

    I love the afgan and I think I want to do it. It would be an awesome learning project for me!

    I can’t wait to see your new do…did you do anything drastic? I agree with everyone else’s request – post a pic!!!

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