Wed Oct 6, 2004

Careless mistakes

I did work on mom’s sweater last night. I can’t say that I got very far, unfortunately. I was making mistakes all over the place. Like forgetting a cable row and not catching it for a couple rows. Or knitting a couple centimeters too far before starting decreases. So I did a whole lot of frogging. Frogging multi-stranded cotton knit into twisted stitch ribbing isn’t very fun. That being said, I didn’t mind THAT much. I was really happy to be sitting down with my needles after a long day.

Veronica has been toilet training, finally, and she wants to go every 10 minutes. She doesn’t do anything every 10 minutes, but I still have to accompany her and assist. The only break I got from that was her spontaneous and uncharacteristic nap.


She fell asleep on my lap while I was messing with my sidebar. See anything different? I can’t figure out how in the world to find the URL to an individual entry in a previous month. I spent way too long trying, to no avail. So my links are mostly to comments pages. I do what I can.

I have a lot to do today that is carryover from my list of things to do yesterday. On the plus side, I cleaned most of my house last night, so I don’t have any catch up to do, I can start fresh and make progress.

My LYS owner wants me to work at her store on Friday nights through the holidays, when the “mall”, for lack of a better word, that she is in mandates later holiday hours. She wants me to recruit a knitting group to come at that time so we can hang out. I think it sounds like fun. I wonder if I can work a good discount on a spinning wheel in exchange.

One Response to “Careless mistakes”

  1. sharlyn Says:

    Ooh, that does sound like fun. Where is this place again? I might be up to going since I’ll be moving out to your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks…..well sort of.

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