Sat Oct 6, 2007

Health Group- Year 4, week 14

My life is an exercise in patience.

I only worked out once this week. Clark has been sick, demanding most of my time, and he’s not sleeping well. (Shocker). I’ve been exhausted.

I’ve gained a few pounds since starting the exercise and no sugar thing 25 days ago.

My skin is different, and it’s weird.

I have good skin. I always have, enough that it gets noticed, which can be embarrassing. I take good care of it. But it’s different all of the sudden. It looks better. It’s clearer, but also smoother, firmer, like my small pores are even smaller. All over my body. I don’t know how to better describe it than that. Also, it’s oilier. It seems like the one should negate the possibility of the other, but I have clearer, oilier skin. When I rub my fingers across my forehead, or rub my nose, it feels oily.


I’ve never had oily skin. It’s creeping me out.

So, I don’t really know what to do with that. My body feels the same, even though I’m trying really hard. My skin is changing, which I’m sure is a sign that other things in my body are changing. I just don’t know what they are.

I’m going to keep plugging along. But it’s getting really, really annoying to be working so hard and not seeing any positive changes.

How was your week?

7 Responses to “Health Group- Year 4, week 14”

  1. marti Says:

    unfortunately, sometimes life is just one big exercise in patience. somedays that is just a bit too much to ask isn’t it? btw, that is a slip stitch that i was using on the l&v socks.

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Ahhh…yes…my whole like is also an exercise in patience. Isn’t that what being a mom is all about?

    Hmm…about your skin…I’m not sure what’s up with that! Although maybe since your body has been detoxing off of sugar for 25 days perhaps your skin is finally showing the signs? I have always had oily skin..and’s icky but you can’t really do too much because if you keep washing it your skin makes it oilier to make up for the missing oils….it’s annoying. I use toner at night and that’s about it.

    This week was my first week back on my diet plan. I’ve been feeling really great because it’s the first time in long time that I’ve exercised. And taken my vitamins…and ate well. All in the same week!!!

    Just keep up the good work. Eventually you will be seeing all the positive changes you’ve been hoping for!!!

  3. Lauren Says:

    I have an oily T-Zone- it is VERY annoying. Try oil blotting sheets. I use them once or twice during the day- they really work!

    Good luck

  4. Sue Says:

    Oily skin is annoying but perhaps your skin is detoxing from the lack of sugar. I know if I dont have any sugar I lose weight more easily. I am sure after a few weeks that your skin will regulate itself and feel better too. I hope Clark feels better soon, no teething problems that are keeping him awake.

  5. Rippedoffknitter Says:

    A woman once told me that when she started doing yoga,meditation and eating healthy, her skin looked awful for a couple of weeks, it was as if the body was getting rid of a lot of bad stuff. Then it stabilized and she never had any skin problems since.

    The skin is our largest organ, so it is no wonder it reacts to changes. Give it a few more weeks and see what happens. Good luck!

  6. Leslie Says:

    I totally understand the frustration of working out and not losing weight. I too know how hard it is to go without sugar! Oof! But it sounds like it is working for you–which is great!

  7. Joanne Says:

    When you change your body chemistry in any way (no sugar, more exercise, etc) you may have to wait patiently while your body readjusts. Hormones sometimes take a while to recalibrate, and in the meanwhile, you may be ridding yourself of excess toxin-y stuff…through your skin, through being bloated, all sorts of weirdness. Stick to the no sugar thing (or sugar in moderation), drink lots of water, and wait a bit. Things will clear up, hopefully.

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