Isn’t it interesting how a very simple math error can be just as horribly inconvenient, and make just as much of a mess, as a more complex error? Yes, well, welcome to my yesterday. Before realizing that I made such an error, I was cruising along quite nicely on Abigail’s backpack. See?
And then, spurred by a nagging feeling that had visited me before, I re-equated my equations. Again. Only this time, I remembered that last little step that had been forgot all the previous times, and I realized that by following the modified stripe pattern I had made, I was making my backpack twice as tall as I wanted it to be. This is both good news as well as bad news. The good news is that now I will most likely have enough yarn to finish, the bad news, obviously, is that I’m going to have to frog a bit. Not the whole thing, thankfully, but some of it.
To give my hands and my brain a little “cooling off” period, I turned my attention to a different project that really needs to be done, which is the recovering of my dining room chairs. I’ve had the fabric for a long time now, and a couple of days ago, I made it to the fabric store and picked up new foam padding and a heavy, clear vinyl. I am not a huge fan of plastic covered furniture, but at our current stage of parenthood, it is necessary. Particularly considering the type of fabric I used.
Here’s the “before” shot…
and here’s the “after”
Actually, it’s more like the “old chair” and the “new chair” because I only did two out of the four. I scrubbed them down, recovered them, and now they are all pretty. So, isn’t that fabric fabulous? It is crushed velvet that I bought off of eBay several months ago. It looks perfectly funky in my wildly colorful house. I love it!
In other creative news, the girls and I made a Lego christmas tree yesterday morning. Click the link if you’re interested.
August 20th, 2004 at 4:53 am
One- LOVE the ZEBRA fabric! That would be fabulous in your dining room, dear! How cool!!!
Two- Love the tree! the girls are adorable and what a fun idea! I bet it was a blast!
Three-rrrrrrrrippit! rrrrrrrrrippit! You make great frogs!
August 20th, 2004 at 4:54 am
P.S. I am glad to know I have a friend that is both experienced and talented in the art of chair re-upholstery!
August 20th, 2004 at 5:06 am
Hey now, don’t be getting any ideas. If you saw the underside of the chair cushions, or even a close up, I wouldn’t look all that proficient. Besides, slapping new foam and fabric on a seat cushion is nothing to actual furniture re-upholstery skills. I do not remotely profess to have that!