I’m up a pound this week, measurements are the same. And I’m really ok with that. I ate way too much this week. Lots of indulgences. My birthday weekend was extremely high calorie and spanned three days. In fact, I think that Wednesday was my only somewhat respectable day in terms of food.
I exercised a lot this week, and much more intense than usual. It felt good. I was excited to be able to push myself that hard.
I’m still feeling really good. The thing that is bothering me the most is that I’ve wanted more food than usual. And I go over my saturated fat limits almost every day. The littlest bit of cheese and BAM! It sucks.
I’m still plenty motivated, and I’m sure I’ll do better next week. I still need to focus on drinking more water, eating less fat and more vegetables, staying in my calorie target but truly, this is the first week it’s been difficult for me. Maybe I’m premenstrual. ‘Cause I’ve been grumpy, too.
How was your week?
May 26th, 2007 at 7:36 am
Ah Laura, up early (or late last night!), I see. Us mamas are always awake when one shouldn’t be! Anyway, even being up a pound is fantastic news given the birthday celebrating. I didn’t have a birthday to excuse my overindulgence. I’ve been doing so well with staying away from sweets and salty snacks. And then, well, Safeway had a sale on those really big boxes of junior mints and I’m a fan of a good deal and junior mints. I ate the whole box. In about 10 minutes. I felt a little sick, and then a little high and when the crash came, I followed it with 2 peanut butter cups and then sat on the couch watching t.v. with my husband pounding nacho cheese chips. . . ugh. Hard fall off the band wagon, and that’s just yesterday. This morning, I feel like I did in college after a particularly long night at the frat houses. I had pretty gross days most of the week. And, I KNOW I’m premenstrual. . . I’m hoping to simmer down the junk food intake and get back on track. The scale at the YMCA is back, but it’s been re-calibrated, so I’m not sure if I really am staying steady, or if ithe scale was off before.
May 26th, 2007 at 9:19 am
Its always been hard in my house cause we just always had so much junk on hand, but thankfully thats cut down alot (minus the icecream). I am doing better thanks to that. This week I had a nasty bug and while I couldn’t exercise, neither could I keep anything in… so I have lost 5lbs in 8 days. Not the best way to go, but I won’t complain. I did stay in my calorie range even when I wasn’t feeling well. I am excited to see what calorie king does now that I have reached a temporary goal!
May 26th, 2007 at 2:20 pm
It’s just been one of those weeks. I think I’m stressed too…pair that with PMS and you have massive snack attacks. I haven’t eaten this horribly in months. I mean literally MONTHS. I have been afraid to get on the scale….so I won’t weigh in until Tues. but I know it’s going to be bad. It’s just been one of THOSE weeks. Ugh.
In good news…I have one mitt finished!!! I am so glad she has small hands LOL. These fit me a little snuggish. I really like them and will be blogging about them later :o)
May 26th, 2007 at 3:21 pm
I’m down 1.2lbs for a total of 9.6lbs. I’m almost halfway to my “goal weight.”
Hang in there. For us, its every .5lb at a time!