Mon Jul 26, 2004

Things are looking up

I did some more work on mom’s sweater yesterday. Tightening my tension has improved the quality of my stitches and my gauge, so I’m happy with that. I have about 7 centimeters to go before I begin shaping the armholes. The fabric is draping very nicely, and I just love the color.

Guess what? I found a sweater I might be willing to knit for myself at my current size. This is saying something. Previously, I’d sworn that I wouldn’t, but after passing over the Touch Me Cardigan in the new IK a number of times, I finally gave it a good look and realized it is written in a size that would fit me, and it has potential. Cool!


I would have to make some changes because, well, I HATE chenille. Did everyone catch that? I H-A-T-E it!

(Except for the really nice chenille socks my M-I-L bought for us girls on Mother’s Day. I graciously accepted them, expecting to stuff them in my drawer, never to be seen again, but Olivia insisted that I put them on before we even got home, and they felt really good on my feet. My hands just can’t stand to touch chenille. It makes my elbows itch.)

This pattern seems “large” safe. That has been my big concern and hesitation in knitting clothes for myself. When one is very large, clothing has to fit “just so” to avoid looking like a well dressed hippopotomus. A simple cardigan is a basic garment that ought to work. Also, this sweater contains elements that I like, such as ribbing, and raglan sleeves that flare at the bottom. So I might make this for myself out of some nice wool for the fall. Does anyone have any experience exchanging wool for chenille in a pattern? I’m trying to get my good friend Gayle to knit one along with me because she loves chenille and has an abundance of it in her stash, but she is being a traitor to the craft and is starting up some Eastern needlepoint type thing with a weird name which will take all of her already meager knitting time. So do me a favor please, dear readers, in the comments today, entreat her to knit this cardigan along with me. :-). While I’m at it, does anyone else wish to join? September is the earliest I would start. My plate is quite full at the moment.

8 Responses to “Things are looking up”

  1. Lisbeth Says:

    Hi there! I just found your blog (thanks to a link from Crystal Says:

    I also found you through Savannahchik Knits.. I have a solution to your mom sweater fitting while she’s in Oregon problem…

    That should help. Hope everything turns out alright. I’ll be reading your blog from now on.


  2. Laura Says:

    Wow! Thanks ladies. Crystal, that website is fabulous. I’ll definitely look into it.

  3. Gregg McDermott Says:

    I can’t see the picture. It’s too dark. 7-27-04 . I like your website. It looks like you spent a long time on making it. I wonder what you’re doing sometimes as I’m out working, so it very nice to be updated. Take Care, Gregg

  4. Laura Says:

    Hey Uncle Gregg! Good to hear from you! I know that picture isn’t very good. I don’t know why they photograph a sweater in a knitting magazine without showing it well. Makes no sense.

  5. Becky Says:

    That’s a beautiful cardigan! Love the texture and collar. Would you be doing it in a similar chocolate color?

  6. Laura Says:

    I’m not sure. Since I’m changing the fiber, it’ll depend on what colors are available in whatever I find as a suitable replacement.

  7. FYRKRKR Says:

    HA! I can always count on you for support! By September maybe I’ll have finished my first Bunka picture and hopefully finish knitting Jenn’s sweater as well and will want to start a new knitting project and we can do the cardigan… You know Art’s sock will go on forever and who knows if there will ever be a mate to it… I’m not going to stop knitting…unless you want me to…
    I do love the support you got from everyone on the blog, though! Hee hee hee! You’re the best and I love you to pieces! Gayle

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