Sorry. I’m not discussing my health this week. I’m refiguring, and am not yet at a place of conversation.
I’d love to hear all about how your week went, however. Do tell.
Happy Easter! May you either have the strength to refuse or the ability to guiltlessly enjoy. However you choose to spend your holiday, have a wonderful one.
April 7th, 2007 at 11:36 pm
I shall spend Easter dyeing eggs, hiding candy for my husband and bones for the dogs (they always get to find their easter bone)!!! Hope you have a great one!
April 7th, 2007 at 11:55 pm
I hear ya. After I ate that piece of birthday cake on Tues. night I don’t think I have lost anything. I haven’t been cheating…I just think my body has gone into rebellion….that or it’s almost that time of the month. Either way I’m feeling bloated and bitchy. Not a good combo. Hopefully next week will be better :o) Have a great Easter! We’ll be spending it hiding eggs in the (hopefully dry) backyard.
April 7th, 2007 at 11:55 pm
LOL. Whoops….I swore in that last comment! Sorry about that!! Tee hee hee…I guess I should have said “bloated and cranky” :o) My bad.
April 8th, 2007 at 7:30 am
Laura, I’ve been there many times in the past. I consider it one of those tiny miracles that I am not there today.
Today will be a controlled but highly anticipated treat day. No chocolate, no sugary treats, but a few extra carbs at my mother’s house. Probably in the way of some fresh fruit!
This will be one of those years where we don’t walk through the neighborhood after lunch…too cold.
I didn’t get weighed this week, but I just got dressed and noticed my close fit different–>the sleeves look too long. Either I lost weight or my arms are getting shorter!
Happy Easter!
April 8th, 2007 at 12:12 pm
I’m mentally gearing up to make some dramatic changes starting on Wednesday. I’ve started getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, cut caffeine, started wearing a pedometer (getting in 5k-7k steps in a day) and started drinking 64 oz of water a day.
Yesterday I went to Safeway and bought boneless,skinless chicken breasts and salmon. I came home, got out the food scale and cut them into 7oz serving sizes, wrapped them in pairs of two and stuck ’em in the freezer.
I’m eager and ready to get started on Wednesday. But for today, my best friend and I are going to Claim Jumpers and going to eat whatever we want. I had McDonald’s for lunch (nice Easter brunch…) Just like a junkie who gets high before going into rehab, I’m going to eat garbage, lots of it, and savor every bite. Next week, I’ll let you know how the first 3 days have gone.
Hang in there Laura. I think about you all the time and send you good thoughts. I know you can do this.
April 8th, 2007 at 2:04 pm
Well, I haven’t been here in a while. Frankly, it is because I’ve been lazy and didn’t want to keep whining about what I WASN’T doing week after week. However, I have renewed my efforts and I am reporting in!
I’ve signed up for the 2nd round of Runagogo ( I’m only focusing on exercise. I’m not ready to do anything about what I eat, so there is no use pretending. Anyway, the Runagogo goal is 100 miles by 04 July. We’ve just finished the first week and I’ve walked 3.3 miles. That’s not a lot, but it is WAY more than I usually walk.
April 8th, 2007 at 9:55 pm
I was doing swimmingly on South Beach until my whole family got slammed with the flu. It started Thursday with my 2 year old. I did not eat well that day, as I was so busy cleaning up her puke that I just grabbed what was available (read: not south beach friendly).
Then I got hit with it. So that meant no yoga on Friday or very much food either. I suppose eating no food might be a little better than eating crap. . . but this does NOT mean that I enjoyed being sick!
We skipped the wedding yesterday that I was worried about binge-ing at because we were still so sick. I have not weighed myself, but my pants don’t feel quite as loose as they did last week. We’ll see. now that we’re better, it’s back to regular excersise and better food.