Tue Feb 27, 2007

I’m so cold

I thought this cold/flu/whatever it is would be short lived. I was wrong. I’ve been mildly battling it for days and it finally came in for the kill. I’m miserable. Freezing, my skin hurts, my neck hurts, my head hurts, I have a sinus infection. My ears are threatening mutiny. My hands are shaking too much to knit (oh, the suffering).

I can’t lay in bed under my down comforter and electric blanket (I know, I’ll put it away when the weather warms up) because I need to watch Clark. So I’m wearing microwaved herbal packs around my neck and drinking chamomile tea. It would be pleasant under more favorable circumstances.


And I really am too sick to be taking pictures of teacups, but being unable to knit and unable to lay down, I have nothing else to do. Naptime, at the earliest, is in an hour. Hopefully, I can last that long.

8 Responses to “I’m so cold”

  1. Judith in NYC Says:

    Hope you feel better soon, Laura.

  2. Katie Says:

    I’m praying you feel better soon too!

  3. Monica Says:

    We are just emerging from a dreadful stomach flu. It’s SO hard to chase after the little ones when you feel dreadful, isn’t it? Tea looks nice. Too bad it wasn’t under nicer circs with a friend AND knitting in hand.

  4. Jenny Says:

    I hope you feel better soon too! I am recovering from a sinus infection myself.When I called my allergy Dr. for an antibiotic, the receptionist said they were out of the office for a week, would I like to leave a message?? I had to call my primary care dr., who gave me baby medicine…..amoxicillin!! While I was very sick in bed, my 91 yr old dad called to tell me that he fell four days earlier!!! I had to have my husband and daughter go check on him! No matter what stage of life, women never get a break!

  5. Marie Biddle Says:

    I’m so sorry you are sick. I had it for 2 weeks…a sinus infection. They finally had to give me antibiotics….get better!!!!

  6. Megan Says:

    Being sick stinks–I’ve had this funk for four days now and I just can’t seem to kick it. I cannot even tell you how thankful I will be when I can breathe through both of my nostrils at the same time…

    Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Cathy Says:

    Goodness Laura! I hope you are feeling better very soon!

  8. Julie Says:

    Ooh, very sucky. I’m sorry you’re feeling so crummy. Get better soon! Let me know if I can help.

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