Mon Feb 26, 2007

Nothing but toes and a grown out pedicure


They’re almost done. Just the toes left. And I’m really glad I started over and made them bigger, because they’re purrrrrrrfect.

In other news, it’s been a week or so, hasn’t it? Since Clark started belly-scooting around on the floor? And now he’s rolling over, crawling (on the carpet, belly scooting on the hardwoods), and pulling himself up to a stand in the crib!


His entire life, until a few days ago, he’d be exactly where I left him when putting him down in the crib when I’d go back in to get him up. And now he’s standing?

I realize that being 11 months old, this isn’t a big deal, but the period of time over which all of these changes occurred is what’s mind boggling. We’re talking days.

He’s very pleased, I’m wary. And sick, still.

(oh, and his outfit has been washed since the picture last week. Strange coincidence he’s wearing the same thing in both pictures).

6 Responses to “Nothing but toes and a grown out pedicure”

  1. Sue Says:

    He is such a cutie pie, and I am sure he will be a much happier baby being able to get around on his own. My daughter was a very sooky baby until she learnt how to walk, and then she was like a different baby having her own independance. I love the socks too, they look great, and warm and toasty too.

  2. susan Says:

    He’s such an adorable munchkin. 🙂 And your socks are gorgeous, I’m admiring your progress!

  3. anne Says:

    Oh MY Gosh he is SOOOOOO Cute!!! It’s amazing how he looks so much like Nate and you at the same time. Wow. Its great to see him!

    Love ya

  4. Judith in NYC Says:

    He does look pleased with himself–so cute!

  5. Katie Says:

    Look at that cheeky smile! What a cutie…

  6. Monique Says:

    I can’t belive how big his is! 11 months already!?!

    I love that smile, you can see his pleased as punch with himself. So cute.

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