Fri Jan 26, 2007

Oh, my, gosh

I don’t even have words, although, knowing me, I’ll come up with some eventually.

Madrona is awesome. It is incredible. My class was brilliant. Carol Rhoades is brilliant. I learned many wonderful, amazing things to do with mohair, which at this point is even more my favorite fiber than it was before. Don’t get me wrong. I love wool. I love to wear it, I love to knit with it, but something about handling mohair locks…. their silkiness, the curls! I just love it.

So, the class was fantastic, and I made a friend :-). A beautiful woman named Colleen that has covetable hair.

And this is also something exciting for me. I used to be so horribly shy, I’d die before even going to an event like this, quite frankly. But if I happened to be there anyway, I’d be the one sitting off in a corner, by myself, not talking to anybody, wishing like mad that I could come up with something interesting enough to say to justify talking to someone. Wishing like mad that someone would come over and talk to me.

The fact that I can now speak up in class, approach people, converse, and basically ask if I can tag along with them and/or join their group is manifestation of some significant personal growth that thrills me.

It’s no fun being painfully shy. And people that know me now really don’t believe me when I tell them I was.

The little niddy noddy came in very handy. Here’s some of the samples I made yesterday






I want to talk about them, but my computer was being naughty, rainbow swirlies and super slow and everything, so I managed to save the post and restart the computer, but now I HAVE to finish my preparations for my afternoon class with Fiona Ellis (you’re jealous, I know) and get my gregarious butt out of here.

9 Responses to “Oh, my, gosh”

  1. Dawne Says:

    Gaahh! You are so very lucky Laura and I’m so very envious 🙂 It seems, up here in Canada all these cool conventions and fesitvals of the knitterly kind are few and far between … oh well.

    I love your blog and look forward to reading it everyday.

    Good luck with your class and have fun.

  2. Julie Says:

    I am so glad to hear that you are having a fun time and learning lots of cool, new things!

    And no, as a relatively new friend, I can’t imagine you were ever shy.

    Good for you! : )


  3. Carrie Says:

    As a friend from HIGH SCHOOL, I would never have thought of you as shy! Really? When I think back, I just remember your wonderful, kind, outgoing self! It’s funny how we see ourselves.
    I wish I was down there with you. . . alas, it’s a long drive and my kid and I are both sick. Yuck-o. Have fun, and we really should catch up some time. .. it’s been at least 10 years, probably more (eek!).

  4. dris Says:

    Yes, I do understand the shy bit — some people who know me — really know me — would never imagine it (because I’m awfully opinionated . . .) but in the day-to-dayness of life — yikes. Its a hard thing to break through. It sounds like you’re really in Your Element at this event, and you’re so comfortable that it all works to userp that inner angst thingy. I wish you could bottle some up for later! Best wishes for more.

  5. Katie Says:

    Wow, those samples look amazing! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  6. Sue Says:

    I can totally relate to the shyness thing too. I think once I had my 2nd child I overcame it a bit better. It looks and sounds as though you had a great time in your class too, and the samples look great.

  7. Syrenmuse Says:

    Could I be stupider? I had dinner with you and didn’t even know you were on my bloglines? Doh!


  8. Lauri Says:

    The spinning looks like it was a lot of fun!

    I can also relate to you about the shyness – like I said, I’ve been reading your blog for ages, and have never commented before (too shy) It was nice to meet you this weekend.

    I hope that you had fun in all of your classes, I loved the class that I had with Fiona (trims and edges).

  9. Hayden Says:

    Yay, I’m so glad that you had a good time at Madrona!!

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