Tue Jan 16, 2007

Two of the girls are in school

Kindergarten was cancelled, the rest of the school was 1 1/2 hours late and by the time I got to the school to drop them off, it was clear that school should have been cancelled entirely. I contemplated taking them back home with me, but didn’t. The buses have chains. It took me 45 minutes round trip to take them, however. Under normal conditions, it’s under 10.

I only have one trash bag left.

That’s my big drama. I tried to buy a box of them the last time I was at Costco, but they were out. Now I’m homebound with one trash bag. That sucks. (Not really, I’ll live).

Cold weather and icy roads make opportunity for a lovely crockpot dinner, and I happen to have one


Dinner is made, the kitchen is clean, and it isn’t even 2:00.


The only thing better than that is to have a cook. Which I don’t. So I’m very, very happy. Dinner done and kitchen clean also translates to some excellent, guilt free knitting time don’t you think?



(Hopefully, the flash picture will help you to see the pattern better, and for reference, it’s about 18 inches wide, unblocked).

That’s where I’m headed, after playing a few games of UNO with my very bored couldn’t-go-to-kindergartener.

No Responses to “Two of the girls are in school”

  1. Danielle M Says:

    I love the way that lace is coming out. Great job!!

  2. Katie Says:

    Beautiful lace… Do you recommend any crock pot cook books?

  3. Stephanie Says:

    You are a lucky girl. This side of the water (in Kirkland) we got another dose fo snow and school was cancelled again. It’s all melting now Thank Goodness!!! I love the lace. It will be beautiful when it’s done! I am also a big fan of my crock pot. With 4 kids myself I know how crazy it gets. I just found a great crockpot cookbook as well called “Not Your Mother’s Crockpot Cookbook” and everythign I have tried in it has been wonderful and has gotten me out of my 3 recipe slump.

  4. Sue Says:

    You seem very organised today. How great to already dinner cooking away, and it is always a good thing to get extra knitting time. I love the knitting, the pattern looks gorgeous, and green is always a good color too.

  5. Monica Says:

    Oooh oooh oooh now I’ve got to go check out that crock pot cookbook. I need to do more of that. (6 kids here – 2 in school, homeschool 2, and 2 toddlers).

    LOVE the lace. I’m in so cal and I miss the snow. It got cold though, so they gave my girls a ‘sweats day’ at school which thrilled them no end. (It’s amazing what will make girls happy at a private school. They regularly make hundreds of $ for the missions by declaring ‘jeans day’ and making the girls pay $1 to wear jeans). Sorry to ramble in your combox.

  6. carol gilchrist Says:

    I almost brought you a bunch of garbage bags dear – but ran out of time! Thought that would have been a hoot. The shawl is coming along nicely. been thinking about making an esther hat for katie, do you know anywhere for a child size pattern?

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