Tue Oct 17, 2006

Duplicate stitch is weird

I ended up unpicking some of the snowflake on Abby’s stocking because too much blue was showing through. I was trying to avoid blue showing through, so I was feeding my embroidery needle behind just the the white stitch above it, as opposed to both the white and the blue stitch, thinking this would keep the white design on top and leave the blue background behind. Not so. What happens is the white stitches don’t connect side to side, so when the knitting bends at all, you get ridges.


See on the top section, how the white columns separate? The lower (redone) section doesn’t? Veronica’s tree does it too, but it’s not nearly as noticeable.


I will probably eventually unpick and redo the tree, but not until all of the stockings are finished.

How annoying.

I finished the beautiful, Cashmerino Esther Williams hat for my friend with cancer, and was so anxious to deliver it, I forgot to take a picture. I made it with the cream color, and it looked very vintage. It fits her well, covering her ears and the back of her neck (she has a small head), and it was really, really pretty. She gasped when I handed it to her. How sweet!


One Response to “Duplicate stitch is weird”

  1. brenda in toronto Says:

    yeah, i’m not a fan of duplicate stitch either. i too did a white-on-blue project and i felt kinda ‘meh’ about it… (linky: http://beachknits.blogspot.com/2006/06/thanks-and-more-experimentin.html)

    i love your socks though!

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