Tue Oct 10, 2006

Clark’s dreaming of a white Christmas


Clark was quietly watching me knit on Saturday, which is good, because it helped me to get a lot done.


The snowflake is almost half done, and I’m really happy with the way the stripes turned out.

4 Responses to “Clark’s dreaming of a white Christmas”

  1. Jean Says:

    Wow! Is that ever pretty!!!!
    I really like the snowflake.
    Is the snowflake stitched on after the stocking or during????

  2. Carrie Says:

    Wow. . . again. I am LOVING your stockings. . . they are so beautiful. I am having a hard time just giving up on the silly pattern I originally chose. I don’t like it, but I somehow feel compelled to keep knitting, as if some miracle will make it better if I just keep going. Now I’m thinking I’ll finish it and give it away as a gift for someone and make simpler stockings for Tom, Abby and myself. Perhaps I’ll just order some from Pottery Barn! 🙂

  3. Darra Says:

    Wow, that looks terrific! Clark is soooo cute 🙂

  4. Cheryl Says:

    Wow, you really have some skill with duplicate stitching. That looks just fantastic, I’ve never had my duplicate stitching look half that good!

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