Fri Sep 29, 2006

Friday is knitalong day!

I apologize for this entry being so late in the day. I did not make efficient use of a bit of free time this morning, and I’ve been gone ever since.

Danielle M says, “I have 1 of my stockings done, but I’m not to happy with the way the toe turned out…I was running out of yarn, so I had to end it just a little short. As such, it badly, badly needs to be blocked, too. I’ll try to email a picture of it for Friday’s KAL.”

Darra says, “My update: Turned the heel last night on the second stocking and will close the toe tonight. They will probably be lined on Sunday, since tomorrow is hubby’s first day off in a week :)”

Brandy had a question this week about knitter’s graph paper. I had Nate make some up for me once, so my Superman would be proportionate once I knit it. (If you’re lost and don’t know what I’m talking about… when you map out a design to knit on regular graph paper, the squares on the graph paper are perfectly square. Knitting isn’t perfectly square, so the design usually looks wider and shorter than you want it to).

A kindly reader pointed me in the direction of this site which will map out paper to your gauge, and give it to you in .pdf so you can print it. And it’s free. Very kind of them, I do say. I think I’d pay money for that.

Jenifer wanted to know more about the heel stitch I mentioned in an earlier post, and I posted a response in the comments. And now I’m wondering why I put it in that post. Her question was the next day.

Poor Amy Lu received her kit (that’s NOT cheating, BTW), and realized she didn’t have the right needles, so she’s waiting for yet another internet order to arrive. My heart’s with you, sister. That sucks.

And Carrie has frogged the smurf! (You are welcome to copy anything you like, dear. I don’t care. I’m going to post my pattern here at some point).

Anyone else have anything?

I’ve started Abby’s stocking.


This weekend is our Church’s General Conference. That page isn’t particularly informative, sorry, but basically, it’s a satellite broadcast in which the Prophet and Apostles and other Elders of the church, as well as the presidencies of the women’s organizations (who are women) give inspirational and instructional talks discussing scripture and doctrine and how to better apply it in our lives. It’s a total of 5, 2 hours sessions over Saturday and Sunday, and it happens twice a year. To the non-religious, it probably sounds grueling, but I really enjoy it. Plus, it translates to lots and lots of knitting hours. I’m quite excited. Provided Clark cooperates somewhat.

No Responses to “Friday is knitalong day!”

  1. Harriett Says:

    Put the heel in the first of my stockings last night. Hopefully will finish it this evening. I am contemplating some duplicate stitch – can’t decide. Will post a picture for next week.

  2. Morgen Says:

    Ugh. Well the yarn arrived on Thursday. I spent the preceding days studying the pattern, chasing down errata from the publisher’s website, making charts and plans. I got started with the stocking on Friday, got about 2 inches done but it was not looking like the picture of the stocking at all. I read and reread and rereread the pattern and I had followed all instructions to a T, but my stocking had little yo holes and the photo did not. Also my stocking did not have the pretty little picot edging that the pattern photo had. So I tore the whole thing out. (at one point my lab puppy had gotten ahold of the stocking and had pulled 6 stitches out, and I figured that I had made an error in when I fixed the dropped stitches.) So, before I started again, I decided to do research on the best cast-on to use for a picot edging (I had used a cable cast-on.) I’m sure those of you who have done a picot edge know what’s coming…I hadn’t done a thing wrong. Turns out the pattern was lacking a crucial piece of information…the edge gets folded over and tacked down at some later point (not in the whole pattern is this ever discussed), and those little yo holes create the pretty little picots. After it all however, I am not really that unhappy. I did a couple hours of reading on the blogs and discovered some different techniques for accomplishing all of this. I finally settled on a provisional crochet chain cast-on and then knit the picot edge over at the appropriate time. I am very very pleased with the results. I have taken pictures, but now my card reader is not working and I can’t get the pics onto the computer. Reminds me of a quote my father found one time “there have been no dragons in my life, only small pebbles in my shoe…” Well, onward and upward!

  3. Jean Says:

    Hey Laura:

    Can you post your stocking patterns soon????

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