Tue Sep 26, 2006

Stockings and bathrooms

Nate fixed it so I can upload pictures this morning, but I still can’t update my sidebar. I’m anxious to show a few things.


This is Veronica’s stocking, as of Friday. I decided to do use heel stitch on the heel, even though it isn’t necessary since it isn’t going to be worn. I’ve always liked the look and feel of heel stitch, and I think it looks great on the stocking, which I want to look like a sock anyway.


The floor in the background is our new bathroom floor as of Friday as well. It was finally grouted on Thursday, and when this picture was taken, the grout was still damp. So it is much lighter now.



They still need to seal the stone, and I’m not sure when that’s going to happen. The fixtures will go on after it’s sealed. Our shower door and mirror get delivered and installed on Friday. We need to paint… so it’s going to be at least a week before we can start using our bathroom.

I was finally able to pick up another set of circular needles for Olivia. She’s been impatient to start her own stocking, and now is very happy.


I’m letting her pick her striping colors. I think hers is going to be wild and colorful. Just like she is.

13 Responses to “Stockings and bathrooms”

  1. Katie Says:

    Go, Olivia, go! I can’t wait to teach my own daughter how to knit… but I suppose she needs to be born first. Sigh.
    The stonework in your bathroom looks beautiful!

  2. Ingrid Says:

    Ohhh that bathroom is beautiful…if only we were’nt new parents and homeowners and could afford to rip out our charming ‘retro’ bathroom for something like yours… sigh

  3. Michelle Says:

    WOW the bathroom looks great. I have to say I was skeptical when you first showed the rocks.. but I LIKE IT! Does it feel cool to the feet or did you have the heat coil installed underneath? Also how is the dining table coming?

  4. Laura Says:

    It is very cold to walk on. The heater would have been a good idea, but I was so overwhelmed and overbudget anyway, I let it go. Besides, the rocks are thick. It probably would have taken a very long time to heat up. The dining table is the same. We haven’t called to have it picked up yet, but we’re going to have it refinished. I’m kind of waiting to see how finances settle after the bathroom is completely paid for. Thanks for asking.

  5. Jeanie Says:

    It is so cute to see Olivia knitting:) I like your bathroom. We are preparing to redo ours so it’s fun to see other ideas. Does the rock hurt your bare feet to walk on?

    BTW: Can’t wait to see your stockings:) I have to say, I miss seeing your knitting, but I totally understand the whole motherhood thing!

  6. Liane Says:

    Where did you get the pattern for your felted clogs?

  7. susan Says:

    Oooh, your bathroom is so pretty!!

    I’m madly impressed.

    And Olivia’s adorable, as always. 🙂

  8. april Says:

    Oh Laura,
    I am so in love with your stocking. I think I have to make time to get mine going. I also really like how your floor looks. I hope you love it.

  9. Karen Says:

    The bathroom is looking fantastic. Love the stones.

  10. Jenifer Says:

    Okay Laura, I need help! Just how do you do a “heel stitch?” I’ve made 2 1/2 pairs of socks and have an apparently basic/basic/basic pattern. All I’ve done is a stockinette stitch heel (boring) I love the look of the heel stitch on your first stocking. Thanks!
    P.S. Love the bathroom, love the daughter knitting and love the stocking!

  11. Brandy Says:

    I LOVE how your bathrom is shaping up, beautiful!

  12. Laura Says:

    Heel stitch is a 2 row stitch. Row 1(if starting on the wrong side), purl all the way across. Row 2, knit 1, slip one as if to purl. Make sense? Work those rows, making sure the knit row is the “right” side of the work and the purl side is the wrong side of the work. It looks better that way, and the extra yarn gives more wear to the heel of the sock. If your first row is the right side, then do the knit row first. The pattern I was loosely following includes a 3 stitch selvedge on each side. I think that’s excessive. 1 or 2 would be fine. Best, Laura

  13. teresa Says:

    Does she give lessons? Just kidding of course we live to far from each other. She is very talented.

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