Sat Aug 19, 2006

Health Group- Year 3, week 10

Here’s what I can tell you. I didn’t eat well on the trip last week, and this week has been too crazy to do very well. And I can feel it. My energy level and physical strength are shot. I started blending my shakes again Thursday, and it’s helping a little bit.

I’m having trouble with milk production. I think it’s because of the lack of eating and sleep on our trip. So I’m supplementing Clark with 4-8 ounces of formula per day. He enjoys the bottle, so that’s nice. And I’m trying to drink a lot more and eat better.

As for this week, my main goals are to eat really well and get re-hydrated, and to get my house back in order.

If those happen, maybe I can think about resuming exercise in two weeks, when school starts up again for the girls.

I can’t believe how fast this summer has gone, and the disparity between how I’d imagined it’d be, and how it actually was. It wasn’t bad, but I’d wanted to be much more social then we were.

And I’m dying to knit. It’s occupying much of my thoughts. I need the therapy, the relaxation, the creation, the color. I need to touch it. But Clark doesn’t let me set him down very much.

3 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 10”

  1. Stephanie Cullison Says:

    Have you thought about trying some fenugreek for boosting your milk supply? It really helps :o) I hope he let’s you get knitting again soon. I know what it’s like. I’ve just recently really been able to knit again….my little guy is 9 months. It will happen….eventually!!!

  2. Nicole Says:

    Hi Laura,

    I know how you feel! My son is almost 5 weeks and I have just started supplementing with formula also. It works for us. I cross stitch (used to knit) and finding the time is difficult. I think I actually need to leave the house in order to stitch. The only stitching I got done this week was in the car on the way to and from the in-laws and at the DMV while waiting to get to my license! Good luck with everything! 🙂

  3. Dena Says:

    One of the best ways to increase your milk supply after a drop in production is to increase the number of nursing sessions until you see your milk supply back to where it was. Of course eating well and getting enough rest are also very important.

    Good luck. And I hope you can find a little knitting time soon.

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