Sun Jul 18, 2004

Olivia’s backpack: The play by play

Well, it’s felting right now. I could die. Remember my prediction Thursday about throwing up while it was in the wash? Poor Veronica is throwing up, but not from nerves. I legitimately feel nauseated. It’s just a backpack for goodness’ sake.

I took some before photos and measurements, and I’ll share them with you to pass the time.
Bag- 19 inches tall, 14 inches wide
Flap- 15 inches tall
I cord hook- 5 1/2 inches long
Straps- 31 inches long each

I was going to post another before picture but the term “beating a dead horse” came to mind, so I’ll leave it be. While we’re waiting, I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank sweet Stephanie for saving my washing machine through her post on destroying hers despite carefully scooping fuzz out of it before draining. I had no idea I was going to be putting my washing machine in peril, and the day I read her post was the day I was going to felt my first. Thank you, Stephanie! I will honor and revere you always.

THIS JUST IN….. It is spinning dry right now. I’m not sure how the rest of it is going to be yet, but I can tell you now that my straps are a dismal failure and I made a silly mistake on the hanging loop as well. The hanging loop will be easy enough to fix. As for the straps, well, I have no clue.

Now it’s out of the wash, and drying. There are many, many things wrong with the straps, so I’m most likely going to cut them off and find some other way to attach the backpack to my child. (Duct tape? No, just kidding.) I’m not going to do anything until I have a plan. In my defense, I did take measurements of the pouch in my red and orange purse that was used as a reference for how this yarn would felt. Some of the strap problems aren’t surprising, but some of them really are. The bag itself is pretty cute. The flap felted unevenly, and I’m not sure if I’m OK with it, or if I’m going to have to hand felt the bottom a little. I think I like it as is, but won’t really know until I make and felt the i cord drawstring that will cinch up the top. Speaking of that…. my triple yarnovers are a dream! I’m so happy about that. They are all strong, consistent, and a great size. So something went my way. The backpack is a little tall, but I think it’ll still work for her.

Ready for pictures?

image image

So cute.


List of things I still need to do to it:
1. figure out what I’m going to do about the straps
2. knit and felt the orange i cord drawstring
3. buy and attach a button for the front
4. think about possibly attempting a removable liner, with the help and support of my friends :-).

Thoughts- I think that the backpack would look really good with straps made from something other than knit, like say, leather or canvas (thanks Nate). I have ideas on how to fix the strap problem for Abigail’s bag, but I’m not sure what to do about Olivia’s. I might just leave the straps I’ve got and cut & sew them to get the right length. That is the option I’m going to explore first. I’m up for any suggestions. The bag is still a little on the long side, but I don’t think it is too long. It gives her room to grow. Those Wednesday envelopes they come home with full of papers and annoying solicitations are very large.

Finished measurements:
Bag- 14 inches tall, 11 inches wide
Flap- 11 1/2 inches tall
Straps- 36 inches long WHAT!!? How did THAT happen?

Seriously, I’m open to opinions and ideas, either for this one, or the next. Tell me what you think. If you don’t like it, let me know. I can take it. I have to knit another one before September 1st regardless, so I might as well improve it.

8 Responses to “Olivia’s backpack: The play by play”

  1. Kate Says:

    It’s great! I love it! I agree that non-felted straps would be cute, especially since they are defying all known laws of felting. It looks like the perfect size otherwise– congratulations!

  2. (another) laura Says:

    Wow, Laura, Olivia and the bag are both adorable. Making a liner isn’t difficult; I’d be happy to email you my “liner notes”, but if I remember right you weren’t needing a plan, you were needing a sewing machine 😉 In any event, great job! Can’t wait to see the next one.

  3. jenika Says:

    I’ve been waiting all weekend for pics of the felted back-pack! It turned out GREAT!!! So cute! I think leather straps would look adorable, but have no idea about cost or ease in applying. Kudos on a job well done!

  4. yvette Says:

    Hi laura
    the backpack looks great, what about sewing a heavy cotton tape to the back of the straps, losing the bottom strap and having 2 d-rings instead for the top strap to go through? Or will that make it still too long? If I can help with the liner let me know

  5. FYRKRKR Says:

    My sewing machine is fixed and while I still have a VERY important top to make for SOMEONE, I would be up for an adventure in lining. Especially as I found out how close I might be financially to getting a serger!!! Let’s talk!!!

    P.S. Adorable! O and the pack, that is!

  6. Laura Says:

    Thanks everyone! Yvette, I like your suggestion for Liv’s bag. I’ll give that one some thought. I’m not really thinking about liners just yet.

  7. Diane Says:

    I found your site looking for examples of the Interweave doll, which I’m hoping to make soon. (Only 20 or 30 projects in the works here…)

    I think I know what happened to your backpack straps. It’s possible they wrapped themselves around the center of the washer during the felting, and thus stretched out.

    If you felted the backpack in a lingerie bag, then I’m all wet and there has to be another answer.

    Love your stuff! Keep on knitting!

  8. Laura Says:

    Hi there. Welcome. Yes, I did felt in a bag, so I don’t know what happened either.

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