Wed Jul 12, 2006

You know that song by the Dixie Chicks?

The “Cold Day in July” song? Well, I assume that what they are saying is that whatever they’re singing about won’t happen until a cold day in July, inferring that it will never happen. Being clever and all, right? Well, it’s cold. And it’s July. The end of the world is coming, I tell you.

Swim lessons are my life, and I’m still really enjoying it. I wish I were taking them, but it’s still really fun to see the girls learning so much and having such a good time. They all advanced a level last week.


I’m trying not to feel like “creepy old lady” when noticing how cute those young lifeguards are.


And wondering when lifeguards were suddenly younger than me. They didn’t used to be younger than me. Unfortunately, my daughters are also noticing the cuteness. Aren’t they too young for that?


5 Responses to “You know that song by the Dixie Chicks?”

  1. Niki Says:

    Ha! I know what you mean about the “they never used to be younger than me” phenom. I was watching the All-Star baseball game last night and I swear a couple of those players looked young enough for me to be their mother. Scary!

  2. Jenny Says:

    hahahahahahahaha, I can hardly stop laughing to myself. I AM A CREEPY OLD LADY!
    My children are always mortified by my blatant admiration of younger men!! Yikes! I jokingly ask my kids if they have any friends who like older women. I would be too embarassed to anyway, but it entertains me so much more than a couch slug. Thank goodness for yarn!

  3. jen Says:

    Unfortunately, they aren’t too young for that. I work at a summer camp with 6-11 year olds & the largest contingent in the “guy counselors” fan club are the 6-8 year old girls, who constantly beg to be lifted into the air on the guys’ forearms.

  4. Susan Says:

    Hon, you’re never too old, not too young to notice cute lifeguards. Why else would a guy become a lifeguard? Call it an occupational hazard!

  5. Dani Says:

    My age hit me a couple weeks ago when I realized that I was too old to flirt with the cute IT guy to get my computer repairs done faster :-).

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