Thu Jun 15, 2006


It’s been a busy week. I haven’t been home, like, at all, and since I’m still recovering from a sinus infection, it’s wearing me out! However, in my opinion, it’s been worth it.

Here I am, talking about starting up a knitalong for Christmas stockings, and then I go and buy a sewing machine and serger.



I am really excited. I’ve never used a serger before, but the shop will give me unlimited lessons for free to teach me how to use both machines to their potential. They are both used. The sewing machine is a Babylock Esante Es-e2, which is also an embroidery machine, and the serger is an older Babylock with some differential something or other. I think I got a really good deal on them, but the shop owner is a TOTAL hard sell/make-the-deal kind of guy, so you never know.

I’m about to start my homework from my first lesson on the machine, which is to stitch out all 100+ decorative stitches, large and small version, to see how they look on fabric.

Hee hee.

Oh, and I’ll talk to Nate about naming and making a button for the knitalong. I looked at Blogger really quick per Diana’s suggestion, but I didn’t see how I could add other users to the blog. So, I have a little bit of investigating to do before deciding whether to set up a knitalong blog, or just do it here like I’ve always done. Any opinions?

11 Responses to “Distracted”

  1. Jessica Says:

    In Blogger under “settings” is a tab for “members.” In that tab is an “Add Members” button.

  2. uli Says:

    Ahhhhhh…… what I wouldn’t give for the two goodies you just purchased. The sewing machien and serger both look great. One day I’ll get to upgrade my sewing machine and buy a serger. one day…….. when I stop spending too much money on yarn. 🙂

  3. Diana Says:

    To add people to the blog – go to “Settings” –> Members

  4. christall Says:

    better late than never? Mind if I join your stocking-a-long 🙂 Summer vacation has started so I must get all of my knitting done in the next three months!


  5. Katie Says:

    Ooooooooooh…. Aaaaaaaaah…… I’m drooling over your new machinery. 🙂

  6. Lisa Says:

    I am excited about the Christmas Stocking KAL. I really want to make one for Jon. I think the way you have always done it is fine. You don’t need the extra hassle of a new blog, do you?

    (Clark is a sweetie 🙂

  7. krista Says:

    Holy jumpin! Can you program that thing to do your laundry too!? It looks so high tech with that glowing screen!

  8. Laura Says:

    Ha! Nate thinks it should! :-).

  9. Nadia Says:

    Congrats on the toys!

  10. Katie Says:

    It might be fun to try something new, but I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t just host the knitalong on your main site like usual. Although, I guess the benefit of having it on Blogger is that you wouldn’t have to search for progress each week because people would just post their own stuff. Hmmm… Obviously, I have no useful opinion on this. 🙂

  11. Michelle Says:

    I cant until you have some “serger posts”. I’m debating on one…I wanna hear how it works out and your opinions.

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