Thu Jun 8, 2006

Happy Birthday, Veronica!

Yesterday, Veronica turned 5.


We had a fun day. It started off at the doctor’s office, where both she and Clark got their shots. (Not so fun). Then we went to Sur La Table where we bought some mini bundt pans to bake Veronica’s cake. She loves to bake and decorate her own birthday cake, and when she found out later that you can’t frost and sprinkle a bundt, that was scrapped and we ended up making a 9×13 sheet cake so she could have her fun.



After Sur La Table, and before the cake baking, Veronica enjoyed her first “spa” experience with a pedicure and manicure.



It was cute, cute cute! I was originally just going to have her fingernails painted, but they up-sold me into doing both the manicure and pedicure for her, and a pedicure for me. They cut the price for Veronica because she’s so little and wouldn’t need exfoliating. (Or because they wanted more money out of me). I wasn’t planning on having a pedicure myself, and I hadn’t shaved in quite awhile. However, I decided that it would be a bit vain and silly of me to pass up a pedicure in a massage chair with a swirling foot bath, just because I was hairy.


Clark was a dear and slept in the sling the whole time.

Then we went to Claim Jumper (her choice) for lunch before heading home to bake the cake before family arrived to celebrate and sing.


I’ve been knitting on the socks a little bit. Both gussets are done, and I’ve started the trek down the foot towards the toes. I’m tired of being poked in the palm by the double points, and have thought about trying my hand at socks on circulars, either two circs or the one long circ which I think is the “magic loop” method, unless I’m mistaken. The problem is that I like to do both socks at the same time which is the only way I think I’ll ever finish a pair, as opposed to just the one, and the only way I’m at ease about them both ending up the same size when I’m done. To accommodate that, I’ve bought two sets of double points in the small sock sizes. If I move to two circulars, thats FOUR circular needles per size I’d need to buy. If I choose the magic loop (which is what I’m more interested in) I’d need to buy two circulars in each size.

I don’t want to.

Which is why, thus far, I continue to get poked in the palm when ever I knit socks. But it’s getting old.

16 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Veronica!”

  1. Tammie Says:

    Cute Pics!
    You can do two socks at the same time on two circs…just get a longer pair that will accomodate both and work from two balls of yarn 🙂

  2. Sheryl Says:

    True, 2 socks on 2 circs or even 2 socks on 1 magic loop. It all looks scary to me. I like the 1 sock on 2 circs method for speed, but I still opt for the 5 dpn the most. In fact I have done about 4 pairs on my dpn’s that I think it is time for a 2 circ pair. Gotta go get me some yarn ;- )

    Happy B-day to Veronica. A mani and pedi at 5? Look out those are addictive!

  3. heather Says:

    Oh, happy birthday Veronica!!! And your hair cut is adorable!!

  4. susan Says:

    Yeah, only two needles needed for two socks on two circulars. The longer the cable, the better — you could do it on 24″, but you’ll be fighting with it the whole time. 30/32″ would be ideal.

    And happy birthday Veronica! She did such a good job on her cake! 🙂

  5. Danielle Says:

    I can’t believe Veronica is FIVE!! She’s such a big girl…

    I do my socks 2-at-a-time on a Magic Loop, and I love it. There are 2 drawbacks, though — (1) it’s less portable and (2) if you make a mistake in the pattern, you have to rip or tink back 2 socks, not just one.

    Sometimes, I also knit pieces of socks on a Magic Loop. Right now, I’m Magic Looping a pair of lace socks. I knit the leg of one, put it on holders, then knit the leg of the other. Next I will do both heels (one at a time, using holders for the one not being worked), and then both feet, and finally both toes.

    It might be worth trying??

  6. Heather Says:

    Happiest birthday, Veronica!

    I knit 2 socks at once all the time. I use 2 24″ circulars and 2 balls of yarn. The first inch or so is very fiddly, but after that it is easy.

    I did a post with resourses here –

  7. Stacey Says:

    I only knit sock 2 at a time on one circ, because it’s the way I learned and I’m too lazy to try any other way :o) I think you might like it.

  8. lia Says:

    I am so jealous of the wonderful birthday day Veronica had!! Sounds like too much fun.

    I love DPNs, but I tend to be a bit old fashioned in my knitting!

  9. Connie Says:

    Veronica?will you come decorate a cake for me next year? You do a much better job than I do.

  10. Anita Says:

    Happy Birthday Veronica! The pedicure shot is so sweet. Remind me to reincarnate myself as one of your daughters in my next life 😉

    Is your double point a Brittany? If so, try shooting them a line. I had a friend with a broken needle who was treated to a new needle. I broke my sock needle awhile back (and it was one of those funky 1.5 size–aka hard to find for me where I am) and I emailed them about buying a new one. They sent me 3 for free. Yet another reason I adore Brittany Birches.

  11. Katie Says:

    I haven’t yet tried doing socks on circulars, but it sounds appealing to me. Of course, it has been a very long time since I knit a pair of socks…
    Happy Birthday, Veronica! What a lucky girl – that sounds like the funnest birthday ever! 🙂

  12. Karma Says:

    Oh goodness, what a fun birthday for a girl of any age! Yay!

  13. Ruth Says:

    I just finished knitting two socks on one very long circ (40″ Addi) … it works really well.

    Sock Bug has a link that shows you how to cast on (the part that gave me the most trouble) ….

    Happy belated birthday to Veronica! Her cake looks scrumptious.

  14. Amy Says:


    The first (and only) pair of socks I’ve knitted to date have been as a pair on one long circular. I’d never finish the second if I did them one at a time. Or one would come out bigger like almost all of the baby booties I’ve knitted.

    And if you ever want to try toe-up, knitty has some really good instructions, which could be adapted for the 2-on-1 magic loop method:

  15. Emy Says:

    Please send my belated birthday wishes to Veronica!

    Btw, Laura, now that you moved, could I have your addy so that I could send a little something through the mail to the gals? 🙂

  16. Andres Babcock Says:

    The Red Hot Chili Peppers are leading the way at this years MTV Europe music awards with four nominations…

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