Fri Mar 31, 2006

Patience, resignation, or distraction?

But before we get into that, here’s a picture.


This is the wild fireplace I mentioned yesterday. I know some of you will hate it. That’s fine. We like it. It has grown on us.

No stinking contractions. No stinking labor.

Yesterday, I bounced on my exercise/birthing ball. When I got tired of that, I rotated in circles while sitting on it. Then when that got old, I did laundry. The laundry actually did more for tightening the abdomen than the other stuff did. Still, nuthin’.

I was grumpy yesterday. Today, I don’t really care. Maybe it’s because I’ve given up on trying to shoot for a time my doctor will be on call. Maybe it’s because I’m a little more patient.

Or maybe, it’s because I’m going shopping today and therefore have something else to think about.

I’d like to think I’m growing as a person and have attained a higher level of patience in the last day or so, but really, we all know it’s the shopping.

Tonight and tomorrow, I’ll most likely be bouncing on that ridiculous ball again.

No Responses to “Patience, resignation, or distraction?”

  1. Kathy Says:

    Nothing like having your water break at Target! Hang in there 🙂

  2. Michelle Says:

    In the immortal words of Tom Petty, the waiting is the hardest part.

    I have to say – I ADORE the fireplace. Fabulous.

  3. Karen Says:

    Easy labor vibes for you! I kind of like the fireplace. Happy shopping.

  4. kirs Says:

    it’s a good thing i don’t have a birthing ball…i’d start bouncing on it at about 6 months! i hope that baby makes his appearance soon!

  5. Lillium Says:

    Hmmm….. bouncing on the ball when said object wishing to expel is….. doesn’t this seem a little counterproductive? LOL My aunt was told – looooooong walks. Sounds taxing. I am reminded of the hide ‘n seek line, “You can come out now!”

  6. Holly Jo Says:

    Did they just float the tile over the old brick? Love it! Climb some stairs while shopping. 🙂 Good luck with labor!

  7. Jennifer Says:

    I love that fireplace! It’s awesome.

    I have some advice for you. Send you husband on some all day trip which is guaranteed to make him exhausted. You’ll go into labor that night. Don’t ask me how I know this.

  8. krista Says:

    I can’t imagine anyone hating that fireplace. It is really spectacular actually.

    I have to tell you- I used a birhting ball to get me through all of my early labour. I paced and bounced. Paced and bounced.

    But even better, was that I used that ball after he baby was born. Not so much now because he is 8 months old, but when he was newborn to about 6 months old, we used to hold him in our arms and sit on the ball and bounce him to sleep. He loved it, and it was less work for us than rocking him to sleep standing.

  9. Sylvia Says:

    Love the belly! If you really want to try to go in to labor you can try 4 tbsp of castor oil in orange juice. Do this first thing in the AM or else you will be up all night ( it really makes you go). This worked awesome on my sis 3 weeks ago and started regular contractions. This has worked on other clients of mine too (i’m a doula). Happy birthing!

  10. chris Says:

    I like the fire place!!! And when I took my midwifes advice and did what she suggested I went into labor less than 24 hours later, but I don’t think you can do what “we” did since you had your membranes stripped. Good luck and I wish you a beautiful, happy, not too painful, labor!

  11. Lisa Says:

    That fireplace is FANTASTIC!

  12. michelle Says:

    You have a fireplace.. I’m so jealous! I like it..
    : )

  13. Jenn Says:

    I love the fireplace! It’s unique and different, that’s what makes it so wonderful!

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