Wed Mar 29, 2006

That wasn’t so bad

Thanks for the comments and well wishes on my earlier post. It’s very sweet.

Apparently, membrane stripping isn’t too painful when the baby’s head is really low. It wasn’t much more than brief discomfort. Still no labor. The doctor said that Junior’s head is at -2. I don’t know what that means, but his head is low. He also said that I’m more effaced, and while I’m still a “2”, he can stretch me to a “3”.

The internet came up, and went down, and came up again at the house this evening, so I’m taking the opportunity to post some pictures now, as I don’t know how reliable our DSL is going to be for awhile.

Oh, and to fill you in, instead of the houses closing on Monday and Tuesday of last week like they were supposed to, they closed on Thursday and Friday. I’m relieved it’s all done now, and grateful we were able to get in on Tuesday night.

We’ve been busy. Painting, drilling, unpacking, rearranging, buying stuff, etc. Our main priority was the living room area upstairs. Want to see why?


Yes, those are 8 foot painted diamonds. And on the other side of the room…


There are a lot of funky, diagonal things going on in the main living area upstairs. Those two were the most critical. The diamonds are gone, no picture yet, and the diagonal is mostly gone.

It would be ALL gone, but we didn’t have white primer, only orange for the diamonds. If you stand right in front of the wall where the diagonal was, you can still see a little bit of the gray peeking through. But not much. We might leave it because by the time we’re done doing what we’re going to do to that wall, it won’t be detectable at all, and it’s pretty obvious that it won’t get any better without primer.


That’s Nate and my mother-in-law tackling the job. Oooh, and you even get a little peek at some of the new furniture!

I don’t have a good, 9-months-pregnant picture for posterity yet, but Veronica took one of me on the couch this afternoon. It’s too dark, because I’m in front of large windows, but you can still see the big belly!


I think it’s kind of cute.

11 Responses to “That wasn’t so bad”

  1. krista Says:

    oh my- those diamonds are crazy. How did they have it furnished? Did they actually look good with all their stuff at least?


  2. Ruth Says:

    The OB was referring to your baby’s position in the pelvis (“station”). At 0, the head is even with the midpoint of the pelvis (0 station). If the baby’s head is 2 cm above the midpoint, they say it’s at -2 station. If the baby’s head is 2 cm below the midpoint, it’s at +2 station. When the baby is at +3 it’s about to be born.

    The wall treatments in the house WERE funky, but look at all those lovely windows!! You’re going to get such wonderful light in those rooms.

    Good luck with the rest of the move!

  3. Lisa Says:

    You look beautiful, and I love those diamonds! I’d have kept them! Your natural light and wood floors look glorious in that house! Glad to have you back, I missed you guys.

  4. Jennifer Says:

    Wow! Diamonds. Wow… They look kind of cool.

    That baby will come when he’s ready. All babies are on their own schedule. Of course you know that, and that’s not much comfort now. Hang in there.

  5. Katie Says:

    The picture is cute… I’m so glad everything has worked out with the closing of the two houses and that you are getting settled in and ready for baby. 🙂 As for the diamonds… all I can say is “What the…?!” My parents’ old house had been previously owned by an “artist” so I know how it is to feel the need to put on a new coat of paint right away.

  6. Jean Says:


    I just love reading your blog.
    You sure have alot of stuff going on in your life!!!!!

    I liked the diamonds but I can understand why you would want to cover them up.
    Perhaps you could use something called TSP from the paint section in a store.
    This stuff dulls the color of the paint so that you can add new paint.
    I had a friend that did this to her house and it works.

    Good luck with everything!!!!!!!

  7. Amy Lu Says:

    You look very cute!

    If you are really sick of being pg, you could “induce yourself”. I took 2 oz of castor oil mixed into my orange juice with Harrison, it worked like a charm. (If you do that tho, make sure you do it at least 3 days prior to a scheduled induction. That’s my midwife’s advice.)

    We have our fingers crossed over here!

  8. Sara Says:

    I agree that the diamonds are kind of cool, but with the leather furniture, they might start to look a little 70’s bachelor pad. Okay, a LOT 70’s bachelor pad. But the furniture looks great! Happy decorating!

  9. hayden Says:

    Man, I was getting worried about you! I’m so glad that 1)you’re okay 2) junior is okay, and 3) that you guys are all settling into the new house. Can’t wait to see more pics.

  10. Robyn Says:

    Glad the diamonds are going. And yes, the picture is cute!

  11. Nadia Says:

    You look so cute!

    The house I grew up in had a wacky paint job too — a huge yellow and lime arrow pointing to the door in the master bedroom. That and the two different colours of shag carpeting. Ew.

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