Mon Mar 20, 2006

Moving day, #1

A zillion things to do. I seem to be getting a little more capable of standing and walking as the morning progresses. Earlier, I thought I’d have to sit in the one chair we left in the house to watch Nate finish up packing and cleaning by himself.

We have to be out of here at 9 tonight.

Last night, I photographed our last bedtime ritual of stories and scripture reading in our house. It isn’t usually held in the dining room, but that’s where we did it.


I’m so ready for this to be over.

6 Responses to “Moving day, #1”

  1. hayden Says:

    Yay, you’re almost done!! That such great news! How are you feeling?

    Veronica looks so cute, all “sigh” like.

  2. Amanda Says:

    that is the cutest picture! You really do have a beautiful family. Good luck with the move.

  3. Robyn Says:

    Laura, I am so excited for you about the baby and the moving. I hope the baby hangs in there until after the move and that the delivery goes well.

  4. Kathy Says:

    tomorrow you can have a loooooong hot bath in that great new tub! *jealous* Blessings as you say goodbye to the old house and hello to the new:)

  5. Holly Jo Says:

    Moving is such a nightmare. You are truly a trooper! Good luck!

  6. Emy Says:

    Laura, just hang in there. Everything’s gonna be so over and you can chill out soon 🙂

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