Tue Jul 6, 2004

Olivia’s backpack, in the works…


Well, I’ve bound off the top of the bag so that I can pick up stitches and knit a flap that will cover the drawstring. Of course, now I’m going to frog part of the bind off and just knit the flap directly out of the top like I originally intended. Does that rambling make any sense? No? Probably just as well.

And yes, those jade/teal dreadlocks yesterday are the hair to Abby’s doll. I’m almost done with her sweater. I’m going to make a skirt next because having to put those bell bottoms back on my doll after every 3-4 minutes of playtime with the girls has gotten very old. They just slide right off, and I don’t have the stomach to surgically attach them. Yuck!

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