Thu Feb 16, 2006

Oooo, pretty!


That, my friends, is my new kitchen floor. I might end up getting the flu from exposure to the contractor, but as for right now, I’m happy, and I have a kitchen floor.

We had to push off showings until Saturday (whine, sigh, pout), but things are finally looking up. The carpet cleaners should be here any minute. Housecleaners are coming tomorrow, SCORE! I don’t want to do the housecleaning stuff. I’ve worn myself out doing all the other stuff and the best part is, my realtor is paying for it!

No cabinet scrubbing for me.

The contractor is working on his last project, which is small. Most everything is packed. Nate FINALLY has a day he can take off to help, so he’s assisting.

(Scratch that, his phone just rang, and he’s going in to the office).

(Scratch THAT, he got it done at home. Score!)

Pretty soon, all I’ll have to worry about is whether or not anyone actually buys our house. How quick it happens, and then waiting around to see if their financing comes through.

Oh, and I’ve started throwing up again. Twice now in three days. I CANNOT bring myself to eat.

4 Responses to “Oooo, pretty!”

  1. Lisa D. Says:

    What an awesome floor – are you sure you want to move? Just kidding, I’m sure your new house is even more fabulous!

  2. Karen Says:

    Cool floor, and cool stainless appliances. Do I see a freezer on the bottom fridge? Sweet.

    Hope the tummy settles soon. Throwing up is so not fun.

  3. Kathy Says:

    ugh! Just when there’s good news, there’s bad news. Here’s a prayer that your stomach will settle soon. Thank God for housecleaners! I want some.

  4. Gail Rice (Bradford) Says:

    guest is pass word for website. Hi Luara and family. I talked to Gailia today and she gave me your web site. Neat way to stay in touch hu! Your new house deck looks great. I have a pond with fish and love it as long as I know none of the grandkids will fall into it. I am so excited to hear your having a boy!! Congrats. Aloha Gail

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