Mon Jan 9, 2006

Like a glove

Wow. New felted clogs are way cooler than year old felted clogs. And they’re pretty.


They’re also still lumpy. They need to be worn a bit to relax and settle in.

You wouldn’t know it, but taking that picture almost killed me. I had to lean back in a funny way to get the background foot in the shot, and my pregnancy-chemically-loosened pelvis had a fit.

It’s still raining. It’s still dark. It’s supposed to be raining and dark for most of the week, and that’s only because they didn’t forecast out any farther on the radio this morning.

Rain. Rain. Rain. Far as the eye can see.


I usually really like the rainy season, but not when I have a leaky roof and an 85 pound golden retriever that goes out in the muddy backyard to do his business a few times a day, and then tracks the mud onto my carpet when he comes back in. And we’re not even going to talk about the associated smell.


In other knitting news, I finished the Angora Zigzag Lace Scarf over the weekend. And it’s luscious. I’ll hopefully show you tomorrow, but I don’t know how a gray/blue scarf will photograph on a gray, gray day.

Also, I’ve started some socks! Can you believe it? I still can’t.

I picked an easy, garter-rib pattern out of the book, cuff down (not adventurous with socks yet), and I’m doing both socks at the same time, as usual. Cuff then cuff, leg then leg, etc. I like doing it that way. Right now, I’ve done both cuffs and have started one leg. And so far, they don’t remotely match. I’m making two green socks that are completely different shades of green.

I’m hoping it’ll all mesh out in the end, but right now, I don’t see how these two greens will ever match each other.

4 Responses to “Like a glove”

  1. carole Says:

    NOT missing that rain, not one bit.

    The clogs are cute– love the color combinations. Your wee one is awfully adorable, too.

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    Princess V is adorable and your pretty new clogs match her outfit!
    Did you know that we are about to set a record here in Seattle for the most consecutive days with rain?

  3. Monique Says:

    Someone sent me this, and I thought of you 😉

  4. Jennifer Says:

    The clogs look warm and cozy! Very nice!

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