Fri Jan 6, 2006

Not felted yet

I did get the clogs all finished up and ready to felt, but they haven’t had their bath yet.


I’m still feeling ill, but I think it might be dehydration like Kristy mentioned in the comments yesterday. On Tuesday, when I started to have a relapse, I was overwhelmingly craving water, almost to a panic level. I’ve been drinking fluids, but maybe I’m not caught up yet.

So, I’m helping out at the school today. This is our little lunch break between classrooms.

When I was knitting the clogs this week and found dyed straw in the Lamb’s Pride, I was reminded of how frequently I find undyed vegetable matter in dyed yarns. How does that work? Do they toss the dyed yarn back into the barn to pick up an essence of its origin? I don’t get it.

And for grins, I timed myself on the second clog. Size women’s large. The first sole took 35 minutes, the upper part took an hour, and I lost track at the cuff and second sole, because Nate started reading this book to me and I was laughing so hard I couldn’t see. Then my friend Michal stopped by at 10 o’clock at night (whenever the phone or doorbell rings after what are considered to be “polite” calling hours, I have learned not to panic, because it is most likely Michal. She’s a night owl. Now it’s funny.) to pawn off her ice cream because her husband is on a new diet and she doesn’t want it in her freezer.

So I lost track. But still, an hour and 35 minutes to the cuff is pretty cool. And I’m not a particularly fast knitter, it’s just a really quick pattern.

7 Responses to “Not felted yet”

  1. Julie Says:

    Thank goodness for feedback from your blog! You sure get lots of good info from your readers!
    Can I borrow that book when you guys get done, please?

  2. katrina grace craig Says:

    i loved her first book; i need to hold that one at the library. thanks for letting me know it was out!

  3. Monique Says:

    Lambs Pride and Cascade 220…are they pretty much the same? My LYS is the Ben Franklin in Redmond, and they don’t carry it. So if I wanted to make the Clogs, would Cascade 220 work?

  4. Cathy Says:

    Love the colors. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  5. Anita Says:

    Fantastic clogs! I was thinking when you posted the holes in your last pair perhaps you can stitch on (after felting) some of those leather pads knit picks sells. Then again, you are a fast knitter 😉

  6. Kristy Says:

    Wow! I got quoted in a blog the first time I ever commented! Just for that, here’s a fun link my husband found today.
    I know we just met, but you gotta trust me on this.


  7. Katie Says:

    That link was hysterical! I used to go to WWU!

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