Tue Dec 27, 2005

What does a frustrated mom, that wants to be out conquering the world, do on a school vacation with sick kids?


She splurges and buys herself gifties at the LYS.

For me, Olivia.

I got some gorgeous sock yarn. Mmmmmm. I’m excited to use it. The Sockotta looks fun, and wasn’t expensive at all. The other stuff, Austermann’s Step, is closer to Koigu level in price, but the colors are divine, and when Carol the owner of the shop pulled out a pamphlet to show me how they knit up, I knew I had to have one. Or two, as it turned out.

Heehee. Sock knitting for me, here I come!

And to entertain the kids, since we’re going to be stuck in the house much of the week…. we went to Sports Authority yesterday and came home with hula hoops


and table tennis.

They don’t look sick, do they? No, they don’t. Nor do they act sick when we’re at home. But as soon as we go anywhere, two of the three get tired, cranky, watery eyes, and the one coughs her head off, and the other one throws up. BUT, if we’re home, boring mom to death, we’re running around yelling, jumping, and playing.

We saw the doctor today, and he prescribed medication for the coughing child, and said we still can’t go anywhere near our new nephew that was born 10 days ago and has moved to a brand new house a few miles away from us that we haven’t seen.

I can’t stand it.

So I’ve given up on having a fun and eventful winter vacation, and I’m settling in with sock yarn and a fabulous book.

And I found out that my LYS is putting together a hat contest. Yeah, I’m so there!

8 Responses to “What does a frustrated mom, that wants to be out conquering the world, do on a school vacation with sick kids?”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    I hope everyone feels better soon!

  2. Danielle Says:

    Hmm, sick kids all week? Good luck staying sane!

    I’m so jealous of your new book. My mom “gave” it to me for Christmas, except she ordered it online and it hasn’t arrived yet. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I will get it soon! You’ll have to tell us how you like it.

  3. Corrina Says:

    I’m jealous. I wanted that book for Christmas, but someone wasn’t paying attention. (aka the man).

    My kids do that same sick act. Wishing them speedy recoveries!

  4. Katie Says:

    Oh, you are sooo going to win! The sock yarn looks pretty – maybe someday I’ll get back into knitting socks. I used to do it before I fell in love with bags and hats. Whenever I’m not working on a big project those are what I gravitate toward…

  5. Jenny Says:

    Hmm, my kids are too big to do that sick thing, but now the husband does it! I’ve come to figure out that when he says he doesn’t feel good, it usually means that he is tired. I guess it’s the drama of it all.
    You are so good with beautiful hats, you are a shoo-in for the contest……
    I have been sick for a month with sinus issues. I can’t wait to feel better and go to the store to see what knitting books I can get with my gift card. Didn’t get any yarn though….

  6. Dani Says:

    The same thing happens with my kids! My husband is convinced that they are faking because they don’t look sick when they are at home. He doesn’t notice that they play a bit, then rest a bit. I hope your little ones get better soon.

  7. Emy Says:

    I’m sure mommy gives all the good vibes that make the gals feel great when they are at home 🙂

  8. Hayden's Mom Says:

    Looking forward to seeing the socks La, and I hope that your darling kids start to feel better soon!

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