Thu Dec 22, 2005

I never would have guessed

Do you know what this is?


It’s the bottom of these. (My clogs, if you don’t want to click the link).

Now, admittedly, I’ve worn them almost everyday for the last year, but still. When they come out of the washer after being felted, the soles feel indestructible. They are thick, they are stiff… I just couldn’t have imagined a hole showing up through both layers.

But there it is.

So, in addition to cardigans, I now also need some clogs. Lots of me knitting in my future. Still.

A day or so ago, Olivia asked who the blue scarf was for. I said it was for me. She asked why I’m always knitting stuff for me. I felt a pang of guilt that I don’t think is necessarily warranted.

How ’bout because I know that I’ll adequately appreciate it?

That’s mean.

Because I’m a selfish knitter, Olivia, that’s why.

No Responses to “I never would have guessed”

  1. hayden Says:

    Oh, I thought you were going to say that Abner had gotten hungry or something.
    Merry Christmas

  2. Maggie Says:

    Not to suggest you shouldn’t knit a new pair of clogs because of course you should, but I’ve heard on one of my mailing lists that people have had good luck with needle-felting the hole and getting more wear. Granted it’s fiddly and I would more enjoy knitting a new pair, but if they’re loved or if you want to end up with two pairs, you could give it a try.

    I’m a selfish knitter. I very rarely knit for others. I feel very guilty about a sweater I started for my son that I had planned to finish in a couple of weeks from start to finish. I got bored of its stockinette-in-the-round and put it aside. Every time I open the cupboard and see it there I get a guilty pang right in my gut. I really should work on it, I know he wants it.

  3. Tammie Says:

    I knit mostly for me and feel no guilt whatsoever 🙂

  4. Jessica Says:

    Maybe you should add suede soles to your slippers for a longer life?
    I feel no guilt about knitting for me. It’s my time. I’ll knit what I want.

  5. sarah b. Says:

    How about “because I can”? That one works for me. 🙂

  6. susan Says:

    I’m a knit-for-me person for the most part too. I don’t feel bad about it — I’m a slow knitter and my projects frequently get left for months on end until inspiration strikes again. Sometimes I see something that I want to make for someone else because it’s perfect, and then I do. But I don’t think you should feel guilty if the perfect things on your list right now are all for you. 🙂

    Maybe it’s time for Olivia to learn to knit? 🙂

    Oh, and while we’re on the subject of knitting for others, I’m going to knit another manly hayden, this time for my boyfriend. He’s psyched. I’m psyched. I’ll post with progress. 🙂

  7. Monica Says:

    I knit for me, too. Haven’t yet knit a non-baby sweater for anyone, though I’ve given away lots of scarves, some hats, bunch of slippers… Knitting is for my enjoyment, and if I’m knitting for someone else I stress about fit, color, fit, will they like it, fit…

    The slippers I make for my sister (Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride) wear out after about a year so when they do I knit up another pair for her. I think I’ve made her 3 or 4 total, sometimes the same color. I’ve thought about putting suede soles on but… I send them to her unfelted and I can’t see her sewing them on; and the suede soles are expensive, and after a solid year of wearing, the slippers look worn… I suppose another option would be to felt a new bottom and sew it on? I feel good knowing they’ve gotten so much use and have been much loved.

  8. Joan Says:

    My favorite response to my husband whining about “why aren’t those socks (or other knitted objects) for me? I like socks….” is to say:

    “Here, babe…. I have some extra knitting needles. Knock yourself out.”

    I do end up knitting a lot of stuff for my family, especially for my kids, but it’s my freakin’ hobby and I’ll knit what I want to, for whomever I want.

  9. Katie Says:

    I’ve been knitting way too much for other people and the list keeps growing as more people say things like “oh wow, could you make me something like that?!” I really need to knit more for myself… I’m gonna make it one of my new year’s resolutions! That angora scarf is beautiful by the way!

  10. stephanie Says:

    Knitting should be a guilt free zone. It’s a hobby, not a sweatshop (no matter how it feels to me this time of year) and it’s fine for you to be using your spare time to make anything you want. You do a great job taking care of your family, and this is a small compensation where you take care of yourself just a little bit.

    (That’s the speech I give myself…How’s it working?)

  11. Dani Says:

    I applaud all of you who knit for yourselves. I have yet to knit anything for myself. The only handknit items I own are a hat and scarf that my husband made for me using a Knifty Knitter loom. I’m just too impatient to knit a sweater for my zaftig body. Maybe one of these days I’ll make myself a pair of socks.

  12. Cathy Says:

    How wonderful that the girls are getting excited – I just LOVE the kids at Christmas time 🙂 You are entitled to some selfish knitting, I too think that I shall indulge myself soon. I wish you and your lovely family a Christmas filled with love and laughter! Enjoy!

  13. Minxxy Says:

    Where did you get the pattern for those clogs? They are fab!

  14. Carrie Says:

    Oh no!!! That happened to my clogs too, I still have to replace them…but now all my holiday knitting is done…time to knit for me. Don’t feel guilty AT ALL that you knit a lot for yourself. We are the ones who appreciate it the most!

  15. Sheila Mayhew Says:

    Where oh where did you get the pattern for Veronicas’ bucket hat? Please – share?

  16. Adrienne Says:

    I was wondering. I read somewhere about a product purchased at Home Depot, that was painted on the soles, it was rubber. Has anyone heard of this? Thank you, Adrienne

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