Thu Dec 15, 2005

Lots to do

My list of things to do today is tremendous. Mostly due to the staff treats thing I’m in charge of at the school tomorrow. I didn’t have a lot of people sign up to help, so I have to do a lot myself. But it’s ok.

Yesterday, we made our first baby purchase.


cute cute cute!

I also found the coolest thing. I’ve been looking for some sort of Christmas Countdown calendar, and when I was at Costco yesterday, I saw this


It’s a 3-dimentional, wooden tree on a base that sits on a rotating base. And the base has 24 little, numbered doors


that contain little, wooden ornaments. So, you put one ornament per day on the pegs on the tree, which we did last night to get caught up


I’m so excited. It’s very fun.

Right now, I’m heading off to a friend’s house, and I’m taking a few knitting projects that need some weaving and finishing before being mailed South for the winter.

Then we’re going to do some more shopping, then we’ll be back and I have a ton of work to do in the kitchen.

By tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be done with most everything I have to do for Christmas and school, and I’ll kick back and knit me an Esther. I think.

Remember- tomorrow is the last day for Synchronized Knitting. Email me, comment, send pictures, do whatever to help me get you linked and/or mentioned in the post. And quite frankly, if you’ve already done so, and you aren’t in the sidebar yet under “Done”, it wouldn’t hurt to email me again. I can get lost in my inbox when looking for Esther updates. I’d hate to miss someone.

5 Responses to “Lots to do”

  1. Megan Says:

    that tree is adorable!

    I don’t know if i’m going to finish the hat (darn christmas knitting..) but I did make it all the way up to the shaping. I put a picture up on my blog but please don’t judge me by it, its possibly the worst photo I’ve ever taken 🙂

  2. Corrina Says:

    I was gonna say how cute the baby stuff is, but woah! I need that tree! Costco here I come!

  3. Jennifer Says:

    The boys footies are adorable. Boys are very fun!

    My SIL got the Esther Williams that I made her and she LOVES it. Thanks for such a cool pattern.

  4. Katie Says:

    Aren’t those Carter’s jammies the cutest? I contemplated buying that tree as well, but where in the world would I put it? Ahh well, maybe next year I won’t still have boxes that need unpacking. You’d think we’d be done by now…

  5. Kate Says:

    Hi! I was just catching up on your posts and had to comment ( i usually lurk on your blog… now, I will comment!)….
    you must not be Catholic (or Boston Irish Catholic…) b/c the cute tree thing with the drawers? Well, it’s a deviation on an “advent calender”. Kids use them to track the holy days and count down to Advent. There are so many deviations of them… I have a girlfriend who uses one as a countdown to hannukah. 🙂 We always got an Advent calender to put in the kitchen from our Nana. Then each day, we would open a door and get a candy…. it was a great way to track Advent. Obviously, yours is meant as a secular one,but what at great tradition to start with your new baby!

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