Mon Oct 17, 2005


On Saturday, Nate went online to find fun and cheap things to do around Seattle with kids. He found Letterboxing. Have any of you heard of this? I hadn’t. Basically, it’s a treasure hunt type thing, and it’s all over the country. You print out clues, bring a compass, and head out to find a box. In the box is a stamp, a pad of paper, a pen/pencil, and an ink pad.

The idea is that you have your own stamp and pad of paper. You find a box. You stamp your stamp in their book, and stamp their stamp in your book. Then you put the box back where you found it so someone else can dig it up.

So the first thing we did was head off to the stamp store and pick out our stamps. Here’s mine…


Hee hee hee. It’s a fish!

The three boxes we found on Saturday were in parks. We had an incredibly fun time. Nate says there are about 60 boxes in the Seattle area. He looked at the town where mom lives in Central Oregon, there are boxes down there. There’s even a box in the boonies on the drive down there. In the middle of nowhere in Government Camp.

The girls had SO much fun. They didn’t get it at first, and wanted to play on the park equipment while we found the box, but after awhile they got into it, and now they want to know when we’ll be going again.

Good times. I was absolutely sick that I didn’t bring my camera. Particularly when Nate was climbing through the holly bushes, and when we were hiking up a muddy mountainside with stamps and books in our hands.

On the knitting front, I’ve been working a bit on the VCC. I think I’ve knit about 4 inches on the right front, and am ready to begin decreasing the armholes again. Once again, I’m surprised to note how fun this sweater is to knit. It’s really enjoyable.

Today, aside from knitting, I hope to exercise and make cookies with the girls who have today off from school. Tonight, we are delivering invitations for a pumpkin carving party to a bunch of friends, and I figure if we bring cookies too, that’ll be even better.

Do any of you remember our pumpkins from last year?

7 Responses to “Letterboxing”

  1. Kathy Says:

    glad to hear that you are feeling well enough to get out of the house for a few hours. sounds a lot like geocaching that my husband became suddenly addicted to. Not only do you get to solve puzzles (clues) then you get to go outside and find the caches. there are caches all over the world-(even in your own neighborhood you never knew about) some with prizes you can trade for, some with just a sign in log to show you were there. Some have “travel bugs” that you can find and take to another cache to help them continue their journey. then you report back to the website. it’s incredible if you are into that sort of thing (notice it’s his hobby, not ours;)) sounds like you guys would like it too. check it out at PS, you don’t need a GPS, especially if you have access to google earth.

  2. Heather Says:

    Kathy beat me to it! We love geocaching, even the teenagers. Now that our weather is cooler we will be back at it again.

  3. Liz Says:

    I have heard of Letterboxing and am eagerly looking forward to doing this with our son, Jacob. I do believe my husband would get in to it as well. What a fun activity to do with the family. Could you imagine taking a vacation cross-country to do this? Ok, well, maybe just regionally? Good times. 🙂

  4. Heidi Says:

    Laura, are you guys the perfect family or what??? 🙂


  5. Tammie Says:

    I love love love your Poor Miss Finch logo gal! The pumpkin looks great.
    That box thing sounds so fun. Do you just bring a notebook with? I would like to see a pic of the notebook with all the stamps you collected.

  6. susan Says:

    What fun! (along the lines of the license plate game for long car trips…) And I love your stamp! How very appropriate. 🙂

  7. Katie Says:

    I have heard of this, and hope to get into it when my boys are older… Geocaching sounds fun too, but I’m not much of a hiker… more my man’s sort of thing.

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