Tue Oct 11, 2005

Two rooms down, nine to go

It’s very slow going, but I’m getting there. Part of the problem is that my house isn’t just messy, the main reason it’s messy is because we don’t have enough room for everything, and I need to purge and organize. Again. I feel like it’s all I ever do, and yet, here I am again. So I’ve spent the morning going through and filing/throwing out/recycling papers in the living room. Again. My hope is that if I get all the time consuming stuff done, then maybe Nate can come in at the last second and do the normal “cleaning” stuff. He’s good at working under pressure, and can tidy up and vacuum real quick when the clock is ticking.


Veronica’s room- done
Girls’ room- done
My room- in process, buried in laundry piles that still need to be washed
Living room- in process, getting close
Fish tanks- not done yet
Family room- major disaster area, not my job, girls will clean before they get to eat tonight
Dining room- full on scary
Kitchen- unfortunately, just as scary
Bathrooms- um, you don’t want to know

then there’s the hallway and Nate’s office. Lots to do. And I’m going to be gone all afternoon, back for a bit, then gone this evening. Mom gets in around lunch time tomorrow, so I still have tomorrow morning, and I’m gonna need it.

On the plus side, once I’m done, I’m not getting up for the rest of the week.

5 Responses to “Two rooms down, nine to go”

  1. allison Says:

    You can do it! 🙂 It makes me smile to see that the fish tanks are on your list and that they are not in last place

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    I’ve a great idea. I’ll bring over MY FBS and you can FIX it and I’ll clean your house. What do you say??

  3. Jenn Says:

    You can do it! Sounds like you are tired! I would be. Keep it up!

  4. Nadia Says:

    I’m in the same spot — sick but cleaning because I can’t stand another minute in this crazy place!

    A trip to Ikea last week got me four pretty cardboard boxes and a $30 bookcase. I recommend some cheap Ikea storage. It makes everything better. Or those under the couch plastic bins.

  5. Julie Says:

    Hey, while your Mom is visiting you could finish felting her clog slippers!

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