Thu Sep 29, 2005

It was a dark and stormy morning…


And yet, I still had a really hard time trying to catch it on film. So just imagine all of the flora in the picture moving around a lot, accompanied by the “rushing water” sound of wind.

I love this time of year. This morning, aside from being dark, wet, and windy, was also really warm. The air had a very pleasant smell, and I spent a lot of time outside, standing on my driveway, looking at the sky and acting like a dork.

Aside from being moody and ominous, this weather signals the beginning of sweater and hat season! I have conflicting feelings. On the one hand, I’m very excited to wear my hand knits again, on the other hand, my Vogue Cable Cardi is taunting me. How I wish it was done (and a little bit bigger) so I could wear it! I think the sleeves are fixed, but I need to frog the armholes on all three of the body pieces to add about 4 inches to the length. Curse my busty self! Those cute, little pockets need to fall lower on my torso, or they’ll look dumb. This is annoying because I liked the idea of a cropped cardigan, and if it weren’t for those pockets, it’d be fine! Dangit, dangit, dangit.

I didn’t touch Abby’s Harry Potter sweater yesterday. It was a rough day, but I’ll spare you the details. Quite frankly, although some of you were entertained by yesterday’s post, I still think it hinges on “too much information”. So, there’ll be no bathroom talk from me today.

10 Responses to “It was a dark and stormy morning…”

  1. hayden Says:

    i loved the vcc…can’t wait to see it on you, done and seamed.

  2. Laura Says:

    Yes, well, that’s because it’s gorgeous! And it looked more fab on you with your cute little cargo/hipster pants than it ever will on me!

  3. marti Says:

    i agree that this morning would have been difficult to photograph, but it was a beautiful thing to wake up to. hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. Signe Says:

    Hi Laura,
    I so feel with you. It’s so tough when every strange smell makes you throw up. I’ve been there myself for 4 times 6 weeks 🙁
    If you look for a crocheted bib, I’ve got a picture of one I made for my 5 months old babygirl on my blogspot.
    Enjoy the fall!
    Greetings from Denmark.

  5. anne Says:

    I need a doll. I can’t go on with out one of your adorable dolls! I’m 3,000 miles away and I miss my homeland. Ahhhh the north country (imagine a scottish accent there). whar th’ wind blows and th’ rain pours down th’ windows……. anyway I neeeeeeed a doll. Please please please please please pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassseeee?
    love your sister,

  6. anne Says:

    with blue hair

  7. anne Says:

    and a flower pin 🙂

  8. Laura Says:

    anything else?

  9. Gina Says:

    How ironic. It looks like a rather clear and pretty day. I find that my digital camera sort of inverts the weather somehow.

  10. Shelley Says:

    Sounds like a great day, weather-wise. I love the fall, but am sad for the loss of summer. You’re right though, now we can wear all of our cool sweaters we’ve made. Love the cable cardi!

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