Sat Sep 10, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 14

Hello all. I’m the same, so it’s up to you to regale us with tales of your week. Other than the physical therapy on Thursday, I’ve continued to lay low. I’m hoping that in a couple weeks, I’ll be better able to exercise, but I’ve sort of given up for now since even the movement from walking upsets my tummy. The only news of interest I have is knitting related, and that’s going to wait until Monday.

The happy news is that I’m at least able to eat again, which is much healthier than not eating. And I’ve been able to drink more liquids, which is also good.

What’ve you got?

5 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 14”

  1. Christall Says:

    I had my first ballet class last thursday and it literally kicked my butt… it had been years (more than 10 at least) since my last ballet class and boy did it show.

    Thankfully it was just the instructor, myself, and my daughters dance teacher so it was fairly informal – but my legs, abs, rear-end, and every other muscle in my body (do your eyelashes have muscles?) hurts like heck!

    I’ve been eating pretty poorly though – always hungry. Really hungry. Perhaps it is because I am about a hundred times more active in this last week than I have been in ages having started work and Grace starting school all at once, but I just feel all out of sorts because of it. I’m trying to get things reigned in and such, but who knows when that will happen. Haven’t weighed in a while – but the pants are getting bigger so I’m guessing the number is getting smaller…


  2. Jenny Says:

    I lost a pound this week, so the total now is 35 pounds lost. I am doing more exercise now. I am feeling much better, so I must have had a virus earlier in the summer. I am figuring out how to knit while I am on the treadmill!! My middle son suggested starting out slow, and increasing the speed as I learned to balance while knitting. That gives me half hour to knit, without someone interupting me!!

  3. Katie Says:

    Ugh… I wish I was losing weight! I’ve been exercising and eating good so I feel healthy, but no weight loss. 🙁

  4. Dani Says:

    Christall, I got really hungry when I increased my activity level, too. I’ve lost two pounds since my last weigh-in two weeks ago. My WW partner has had several afternoon appointments, so I have to motivate myself to walk at break time.

  5. Anne Noel Says:

    Im Laura’s sister Anne and I just started a Karate class. My fiance is a Martial Arts instructor – and although I really enjoyed the private lessions I got at first – I finally started taking official classes. I love the skills I develope and the workout. HEEEEEEEEEEE YAAAHHH!

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