Thu Aug 25, 2005


Wow! Thank you so much for the congratulations and well wishes! I’m overwhelmed!

To answer some of the questions…

I don’t know exactly how far along I am, because I’m irregular. I think I’m about 7 weeks. But I’ll know better on Sept. 8th, when I have an ultrasound.

A baby-themed knit-along? Well, perhaps. I like the thought of baby hats knit with koigu. And I’d love to knit a baby blanket, but I am WAY too sick to knit right now. Perhaps in the future…

No, it was not planned, but we DID want more children so we’re very happy. We were hoping to wait a little longer to allow my back to further heal.

If I’m as far along as I think I am, we’re looking at yet another April birthday. Nate laughed. He said he figures he’s just extra sexxy in July.

I do not know the gender yet. Probably in November? Neither of us has a preference, so long as there’s only ONE in there. That’s all I care about. And that he/she is healthy, of course!

Oh, yeah, as for Health Group… It is absolutely continuing! Considering the state of my back, I NEED to keep working on myself. I have physical therapy exercises to do, I can continue my weights, and will continue aerobic exercise. It’s more important now than ever! When I was pregnant with Veronica, I actually stayed in the same pants for most of my pregnancy. The fat melted as the baby grew. It was SO COOL! I’m hoping I can do that again. Although this wretched nausea will have to go away. How did I do it last time? I did Kathy Smith’s Pregnancy Workout Video 5 days a week while the girls napped.

Ok, I think I got them all.

I am still horribly sick! I woke up at 10 this morning, and by some miracle, the girls let me sleep. They aren’t early risers, but they’re usually hungry the instant they awake. V wasn’t even out of bed yet! So that was nice. Nate bought some berry yogurt yesterday, so I had something I could eat this morning. That was also very nice. Food tends to be so revolting to me.

You know what else is setting me off? Just THINKING about my spinning wheel. Isn’t that horrible? I’ve wanted a wheel for a year, I finally get one, and two weeks later, I can’t even look at the thing because it makes me so sick! Lame. I am very motion sick, and the spinning of the wheel is too much for me. I hope this is short lived.

Yesterday, after my morning errands and doctor appts, I stayed in bed the rest of the afternoon and evening. I couldn’t knit. I couldn’t even watch my fish for more than a few seconds. The only thing I did, in short bursts, was read some of Stephanie’s book, At Knit’s End. When we get paid again, I’m getting some vitamin B6. That’s supposed to help.

No Responses to “Blehck”

  1. kc Says:

    Am so sorry to hear spinning and knitting aren’t options for you right now. I’m sure they’ll be favorite activities again soon (relatively speaking, of course).

    I’m all for koigu baby items – pick your colors and we’ll get started! Are we waiting for the sex or going neutral? Stephanie had some fab baby booties a few weeks back. If we’re having an April birthday, then we’ll keep the items light weight.

    YAY – someone to knit baby stuff for! I haven’t had that in a long time! ;}

  2. Jill Says:

    I’m slow in adding my congrats. As the sickest pg woman on the planet 4 times running, I suggest lots of rest, keeping some crackers by the bed and maybe a thermos of warm tea. The only way I could make it through was small meals/munching all day long…never let the tummy be empty. I wish you a very short bout with the queasiness and a very,very healthy, happy baby!

  3. katrina grace craig Says:

    i was sick the entire 9 months with sophie [good thing she turned out to be a good kid!> and the only thing that worked for me, sporadically, was pringles potato chips and lemonade. the salt, the crunch, the starch, the sour — something about that combo just took the edge off. oh! and gingersnaps.

  4. Kristel Says:

    I know it’s not much of a healthy thing to eat, but when nothing else worked for me my housemate suggested the kind of frozen pizza that swims in fat and is so salty it makes Loth’s wife look like a health commercial. Amazingly the pizza did the trick on a couple of occasions.

  5. meg Says:

    Yeah, No kidding, what is going ON in July….besides the obvious!

    I am ready for a Koigu baby along!

    And from the crazy baby boom I experienced (second hand), I have heard that keeping your stomach working on something is important….so I second Jill’s advice.

  6. Lisa D. Says:

    Wow – I missed your big news! Congratulations – that’s awesome!

  7. Dorothy Says:


    I read your blog regularly, a friend got me hooked.

    My doctor, when I was pregnant with my second child and very sick told me “only a girl or twins will make someone as sick as you are”. Well, she wasn’t twins. Hope your stomach settles down soon!

  8. Jenn Says:

    Hope you start feeling better soon! Get as much rest as you can. Hope you get over the Wheel sickness!

  9. Carrie Says:

    Since I missed reading your blog yesterday I need to send my congrats today!!!

  10. Nik Says:

    I’m SO happy for you.

  11. Jenny Says:

    Ha! Three of my kids have birthdays in the first 10 days of May, in fact, I had the same due date for them too! My daughter’s birthday is all by herself in December. A sicky pregnancy can result in a boy. I can totally sympathize with you feeling sick thinking about your wheel. During my sicky pregnancy, if I even looked at a COUPON for Mexican food, I would throw up! If we drove past a Mexican restaurant, I had to cover my eyes, because just seeing the sign would make me throw up!! And we (both my son and I) LOVE Mexican food.

  12. Sarah-Jane Davies Says:

    I’m not sure how “well done” (baby) and “poor you” (nausea) sit together in a sentence… I truly sympathise and hope you feel better soon.

  13. Gina Says:

    Did someone say Koigu? Congratulations again and again! What great news.

  14. LeAnne Says:

    Wow, I miss a day reading you and you go and tell the best news! Congratulations. I’m sorry you don’t feel well. Hang in there.

  15. emy Says:

    Ok, old Chinese saying:
    “if you love sweets, it’s a girl. if you love sour stuff, then it’s a boy.”

    What do we have now? Berry yoghurt – sweet and sour?!

  16. Miss Dottie Says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and have been waiting for a knit along. Count me in for the Baby knit along.

    And congrats congrats congrats on the baby! Hurrah for babies!

  17. larissa Says:

    Yay! More knit-babies! OK, you may be swamped with ideas, but I have to add mine. A bioband saved my life with the nausea. They can be had online. And for food, my favorite in the beginning was (gross but great) Stouffer’s frozen Spinach Souffle. I think I even salted it, believe it or not.

    Congrats! Another gorgeous girl?……

  18. melanie Says:

    Hey! You and I must have been gettin busy around the same time, because I’m right there with you! This is my 7th week, and I’m due with TWO. ACK. I also just got a spinning wheel, and not I can’t sit at it without my back getting all achy.

    Anyway. Congratulations!!!

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