Tue Aug 2, 2005

Back from the Ocean

Very, very tired. We drove 4 hours to get to the beach. Spent about 2 hours getting my friend’s car unstuck, taking kids to the bathroom, visiting the killer kite shop in town, trying to figure out where my friend could park without getting ticketed and towed so I could then drive her onto the beach, 4 hours playing there, and then drove 3 hours back. It was lovely. It was cold.

Not too cold, but I was glad I had my Shoalwater Shawl with me.


The wind was strong and constant. And a bit cold. That didn’t keep us from playing in the water, however.




As you can probably tell in the last photo, my camera lens got some sort of grime on it. The last group of pictures are all hazy. My glasses did, too. I had to wipe them off so I could see, but I didn’t think about the camera lens ’til I got home and looked at the hazy pictures. Dangit.

But it really was a great time!

8 Responses to “Back from the Ocean”

  1. Katie Says:

    I think it sort of makes the photo look like a painting – kind of a neat effect. Glad you had fun even if it was cold – that’s a great pic of you in your shawl… By the way, did you see? My Lauralund is finished!

  2. Brooke Says:

    The beach is so wonderful! It’s always too hot in florida though. What I would give to need a shawl at the beach in August! If my husband sees this, he will certainly add it to the list of reasons to move back to Seattle!

  3. Colleen Says:

    Is the haze salt spray? Glad that you had a great time.

  4. Lydia Says:

    Like Brooke, I cannot imagine needing a shawl at the beach in AUGUST! What beautiful pictures. It looks like a Carolina beach in the winter. Hope you’ll get to go back soon.

  5. Laura Says:

    The sun was pleasantly warm, it was that WIND that put a chill in the air! Liv and I managed to get sunburned.

  6. Dani Says:

    What a fun time with your girl! I’m glad you were able to get away and relax.

  7. Jenn Says:

    Looks like everyone had fun!

  8. Kathode Ray Tube Says:

    I love the photos — sounds like a grand day once you figured out where to park (why is parking near the beach so hard??) I love the photo of you with your Shoalwater Shawl. It looks wonderful.

    We are just back from a week in Maine on a lake. It was great. Makes me wonder why I live in the city.


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