Tue Jun 28, 2005

up late, way tired

Nate and I went to the drive in last night to watch the new Batman movie, and to see Star Wars, Episode 3. Can you believe we hadn’t seen Star Wars yet?


I liked Batman pretty well. Star Wars sucked. I love the originals, but the new ones are lame. Still worth seeing though, for nostalgia’s sake. And our car battery died, so we had to hit up a truck behind us for a jump. What’s up with that? We were an hour into the second movie when it died, so we wandered around the other cars to hear what was going on. The funny thing is, the van we stood next to first died also, so we had a laugh and moved on to another car with an open window. I’m glad the weather was nice. We didn’t get home ’til almost 3am. Today is going to suck.

Yesterday I worked on the Noro Shoalwater Shawl again. I’m getting excited for its completion. It’s really pretty right now, but I’m a little concerned about how it will look when finished. The further down I get, the thinner the stripes become. It might work. It might look really dumb. We’re not going to know until I get there, but I promise, you’ll be among the first to know.

3 Responses to “up late, way tired”

  1. jackie o Says:

    Drive ins are great! We have not been to one in years.. I am certain this one will be one you will remember for many, many years and you will certainly laugh about it. My husband and I have not seen it ( Star Wars) yet. 2 of our 3 children have , one loved it and the other thought it was OK. To me,at the lovely age 44 nothing could comaper to the “special effects ” of the original.

    Tomorrow I will be taking a class in a “shawlet” I will be using some alpaca . The edge on it will be a knitted lace. I have only been seriously knitting since March.

    Have a nice day tomorrow.

  2. Jenn Says:

    Glad you enjoyed Batman. I still haven’t seen it. I have seen Star Wars though. I loved it though. I love the new ones. After watching the new ones and then going back and watching the old ones I get bored. I don’t know what it is. I guess it’s bc the hot guy isn’t in the old ones (the guy in the picture you put up…so hot and yummy! 😉 )

  3. Dani Says:

    Um, my husband and I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies.

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